lspci issue 100% core load black desktop
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2018-03-08 22:51
I have a fresh install of Deepin Linux. When I boot up my system, it gives a black desktop. My dock is there, I can open a terminal (although I can't enter any commands) but my desktop is black for a while. After opening the app launcher I get my desktop, terminal becomes responsive. However some processes take ages to start. When I look at the CPU usage, lspci is using 25% (1 core on 100%) of my cpu and it seems like everything is waiting for it. I can't shutdown my system on a normal way as well. On a previous install I had the same issue, but is was deepin-file-manager that was using 25% (100% of 1 core) of another deepin app. Please note I didn't invoke lspci or the file manager in my previous installation myself.
Please help, my system is unusable now.

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