System Not utilizing Swap Memory even i have 85 value for swapiness
Community Discussion 842 views · 0 replies ·
2018-03-09 20:36
hi deepin mates,
i have 8GB ram and swapiness configured to value 85
And swap memory is 4GB
cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
but still my system getting freezed and ram utilized more than 7.8 (total i have 8gb ram). The swap is showing only around 300Mb-400Mb used.
every time iam manually shutting down and restarting my computer , im losing all my file changes and stuff. Daily i work on multiple browsers with more number of tabs,sublime,skype, terminal and couple other tools.
i have 8GB ram and swapiness configured to value 85
And swap memory is 4GB
every time iam manually shutting down and restarting my computer , im losing all my file changes and stuff. Daily i work on multiple browsers with more number of tabs,sublime,skype, terminal and couple other tools.
any fix for this? thanks in advance