Problem With Updates
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2018-03-23 09:36
Edited by lokize at 2018-3-23 01:47

I am using the deepin a few days but not being able to update the files I decided to format and reinstalled today, but the error continues

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2018-03-23 14:36
Did you selected a mirror for updates? Default one is on China and for sure will not be the best for your location, in the mirrors section run a test and select the one which at the end of the mentioned tests, is on top of all. If it doesn't works, open the terminal and run sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade, apt must work. it update everything with apt command, why? Deepin update system is like Windows one, and like this one, you need to restart to apply every change, nice, familiar, but apt does everything more quickly and without restarting, and you can even be noticed if something fails.
Besides that you can install "Synaptic package manager", it is on Deepin Store, its a graphical frontend for apt, dpkg and those terminal apps that maybe you aren't familiarized with. With synaptic you'll see the complete list of apps you have on your system and you can install, update, remove or purge apps with all their dependances and without risks. Greetings.
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2018-03-23 16:30
Edited by lokize at 2018-3-23 09:24

yes, selected, i try format system again, but the error continue...

I really liked the deepin and my intention was to continue with it but at the moment it is still with many bugs without official support, I will go back to windows and who knows in the future I will come back to deepin because for now this one has many problems!
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