Deepin - Suggestions Space
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2018-05-01 09:31
Edited by niko-fischer at 2018-4-30 18:59


Space dedicated to the community to present suggestions related to the development of future distributions, this being a way to meet the needs of the general public.

Rule 1: English should be the default language of this space to reach the largest number of contributions.

Rule 2: Suggestions should be general and not just of particular interest, think about the community instead of yourself; avoid expressions like: I want or I hope.

Rule 3: Suggestions should be well structured, develop your argument and present the benefits.

Rule 4: Classify according to your understanding the degree of priority adoption in: critical, high, medium and low.

Relationship between estimated time and degree of priority adoption.

Critical: 2 months

High: 4 months

Medium: 6 months

Low: 8 months

Rule 5: Inform the topic addressed in your suggestion.

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2018-05-01 16:17
Edited by niko-fischer at 2018-5-1 01:19

Topic: Communication

The Deepin team needs to communicate the community that won't be able to provide the release 15.5.1 as planned because It's pretty important inform the reasons and keep contact to reduce the users disappointment.

It will be a great differential for Deepin to become the first Linux distribution with a user management relationship, far beyond simple feedback.

Degree of Priority Adoption: Critical
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2018-05-01 16:19
Topic: Application

Deepin Tweak Tool

A great tool that should be provided with the new version 15.6 is the Deepin Tweak Tool, with functions similar to the Gnome Tweak Tool. A section similar to Dash to Dock Settings should be included with additional customization options similar to Plank.

In this way, the community will not have to resort to resources from other distributions to achieve the desired result in relation to personalization.

Degree of Priority Adoption: High
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2018-05-02 03:23
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2018-05-04 08:37
Topic: Application Updates

This is the Deepin mission: do the best linux distribution in the world.

To obtain that, the Deepin team just needs to provide the latest stable release for all avaliable applications.

Unfortunately, many applications are out of date and this is a painful situation that causes many users to return to their old systems because more important than developing the application itself is to have the most recent avaliable.

Degree of Priority Adoption
: Critical
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2018-06-22 01:29
Having a key that can be held that allows windows to be moved or resized would be great, like in i3 on floating mode.
Eg. hold super and right click a window + drag to stretch it in or out, use left click while holding super to drag the window around without having to click the title bar.
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2018-06-22 03:26
During the setup process:

Do you want to create a SWAP partition? Yes no.

Add this feature to the next release of the beautiful deepin
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2018-06-22 03:59
Edited by baselkorj at 2018-6-21 20:05

Topic: Desktop Enviroment

Include a keyboard shortcut by default that kills the deepin window manager and starts it again, I already created a thread explaining how, that way even if future releases were unstable users would still be able to recover their sessions without having to lose their progress. Code used in my post was:

pkill -9 deepin-wm && deepin-wm

I personally assigned the command to ( Super + R )

Degree of Priority Adoption: Critical
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2018-06-22 04:04
Topic: UI Improvements

Launcher and the control center should be cached to hard disk on boot, launcher and control center take a little while to launch even on good hardware which alters the flow of work. Caching them into hard disk during boot might increase the fluidity of the OS.

Degree of Priority Adoption: Low
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2018-06-22 04:28
Edited by baselkorj at 2018-6-21 20:29

Topic: Dual GPU Support

The Deepin Graphics Driver Manager is a cool and innovative way for driver support, in some distributions like Linux Mint, after enabling Bumblebee nVidia Driver, you have the option to run a specific app using the nVidia GPU by right clicking it on the launcher. Adding this to Deepin would benefit users who are new to linux and have a higher chance of leaving it once something doesn't go their way. For now it seems the only way to launch an app using the nVidia card is by running the "optirun" or "primusrun" command in the terminal.

Degree of Priority Adoption: Medium
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