Cnzz/AppStore data collecting issue
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2018-05-22 13:50
Edited by lionsmane at 2018-5-22 19:07

Dear Deepin developers

You have produced a beautiful and elegant desktop environment - one of the best, better than Windows or Mac.

That's why the Cnzz/AppStore data collecting issue is very disappointing.

It's one thing to admit to such data collection after the fact, but it's quite another thing not to have revealed it openly to users in the first place, which will make a lot of users lose trust in you. That is sad after all the creativity and hard work that you have put into creating the beautiful Deepin

So, to regain my trust, and the trust of other users, you must commit to have the Cnzz data collection mode turned off by default, allowing users to choose for themselves whether or not to send data and analytics to Cnzz.

Please include this choice and function in Deepin 15.6 in July, otherwise your popularity will steadily go down.

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2018-05-22 14:07
#1 There should be a note that tells users DeepinStore uses website statistic tools from 3rd parties.
A optional switch for turning it off would be even better. But the first thing is to tell users that it exists.
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