Good DE but have few remarks
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2018-06-11 02:33
Edited by pr07o7yp3 at 2018-6-10 18:35

Hey there,
I really like Deepin DE. It's almost everything I want but there are things which annoy me and I don't know how to fix them.

They are mainly in a taskbar.
I'm using Effecient Mode (because I'm Win user).
Design is perfect but:

- Clicking right button on some app I think the "Close all" must be most bottom instead of Dock/Undock. (Ya, like I said, this would be good for Win users)

- The hitbox of app icons is strange.
I mean, if you right click on some icon you get the correct context menu, but if you click next to it, you will get the taskbar context menu)
(Look at screenshots to see what I mean)

Like you see, I click on app hitbox but it shows me taskbar context menu instead.

- Putting mouse over some app in system tray showing "System tray" popup which is annoying.

Is there anyway to disable this tooltip?

- Shortcuts behaviour is strange and I couldn't see how to change it.
What do I mean. I'm changing my keyboard leyout with CTRL + SHIFT which works good (wiith exception of some other distros).
However, my problem is that I can't combine shortcuts simultaneously.
Pressing CTRL + T for openning a new tab in Firefox. Then without releasing CTRL, pressing Shift in order to change keyboard layout.
Result: Keyboard layout doesn't change, because I must to release all buttons, and then press CTRL + SHIFT.
What do I expect: Changing keyboard layout.

Of course, I can't argue most of these for bugs because they are mostly personal preferences but would be good if there was option when I could change them.


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2018-06-11 02:43
There are many details need to be polished.
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