Deepin Terminal Custom Commands
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2018-06-21 05:51

First of all, thank you to the Deepin Team and to all contributors for delivering a wonderful, great product to all people. I am really delighted that Deepin OS exists. The amount of work, and the level of detail is something I look up to with Deepin OS, thank you!

I would like to ask if there is a way to make custom commands register/execute even if there is a continuous stream of output on the terminal? For example if I have a custom command "clear && reset" with a keyboard shortcut set to Ctrl + Shift + K, and I run tail -f sometextfile.txt on the terminal, the command will not execute after hitting the keyboard shortcut combination, but only display the command in the terminal.

Is there a way to do it, or I just have to either help implement it or make a feature request for it?

Thank you~
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