[Tutorial] What to do in case of a desktop related problem in deepin.
Community Discussion 842 views · 3 replies ·
2018-06-21 18:04
Edited by baselkorj at 2018-6-21 10:17
I'm one of the few people who's their desktops started acting funny on them after upgrading to 15.6, my problem was that the desktop would freeze at random occasions, anyway, I created a custom command in the keyboard shortcut menu on the control center and that is:
pkill -9 deepin-wm && deepin-wm
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What this does is kill the current window manager and start it up again which doesn't take a second. That way your desktop will be able to recover itself without having to logout or shutdown, causing you to lose your progress. Personally I assigned the command to ( Super + R ) or ( Windows key + R ), you can use any other combination as long as it isn't used before. Good luck and if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask.
I think it would be quite helpful if this was pinned for future visitors till the desktop is more stable, just sayin'.
I'm one of the few people who's their desktops started acting funny on them after upgrading to 15.6, my problem was that the desktop would freeze at random occasions, anyway, I created a custom command in the keyboard shortcut menu on the control center and that is:
What this does is kill the current window manager and start it up again which doesn't take a second. That way your desktop will be able to recover itself without having to logout or shutdown, causing you to lose your progress. Personally I assigned the command to ( Super + R ) or ( Windows key + R ), you can use any other combination as long as it isn't used before. Good luck and if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask.
I think it would be quite helpful if this was pinned for future visitors till the desktop is more stable, just sayin'.