What You Want In Next Deepin (15.11) Update?
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s***[email protected]
2018-09-06 03:06
Edited by sarojpoudel33 at 2019-6-5 14:39

Please Vote Your Answer.  //Nepal
Release plan of deepin 15.11

Control CenterSupport different display scaling values for multiple screens, and fix the blank screen issue when setting dual screens.
Add the switch - “Join User Experience Program” to make the user needs better understood.
Support cloud synchronization of certain settings by deepin ID.
Support using keyboard to navigate and change the settings in Control Center.
Display more hardware information.
DockShow the battery remaining time and the charging time.
Window ManagerImprove the UI in KWin.
File ManagerAdd disc burning function.
Support creating shortcut for executable program manually.
Deepin StoreChange the switching method between China and International regions.
Show the total donation amount in my donations.
Other ApplicationsDeepin Movie: Support dragging and dropping the subtitle file to Deepin Movie to load it directly.
Deepin Screenshot: Remember the last storage location when saving the screenshot to the specified folder.

(Expired, see the results below)
871 users voted
1.Stability and Fast Performance(629 votes)
59 %
2.Support All Graphics Card Driver(157 votes)
15 %
3.Android Emulator Plugin(84 votes)
8 %
4.Face Unlock and Bluetooth Unlock + Security App with Cleaner(21 votes)
2 %
5.Store Application Up to date(184 votes)
17 %
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2019-06-05 23:28
We all want to make better use of it. Developers have limited funds and energy. Desire is endless. By the way, have you donated to deepin?
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2019-06-09 18:29
I have to add a few things. Android emulation would be nice, if there is anything that linux lacks i ...

make software so that we can install an androide app
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2019-06-13 01:35
deepin-wine能不能搞个ie10或ie11浏览器,学校和政府系统和网站的某些界面要用ie浏览器才能登进去,网上银 ...

可以使用360浏览器  360是双核的可以切换 360对deepin做了适配哦
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2019-06-13 01:36
deepin-wine能不能搞个ie10或ie11浏览器,学校和政府系统和网站的某些界面要用ie浏览器才能登进去,网上银 ...

可以使用360浏览器  360是双核的可以切换 360对deepin做了适配哦
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2019-06-13 06:02
slj1596769185 发表于 2018-9-15 10:23

Hey, Look at the top it's international community
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2019-06-13 06:04
vallerydelexy 发表于 2018-9-22 14:52
is there any way to put app name beside the icon on dock when using efficient mode?
and, is there an ...

It was added in deepin 2014, which was called traditional mode dock.
Fore some unknown reason, they removed it in deepin 15
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2019-06-13 22:43
how about the ability to play audio CD's, for some reason when i try to play an audio cd my system freezes.
Deepin  15.10.1 64bit
AMD E1-2500 APU w radeon HD graphics x2
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2019-06-13 22:46
It was added in deepin 2014, which was called traditional mode dock.
Fore some unknown reason, the ...

I think its called Efficient mode now
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2019-06-15 00:55
这英文看起来真累!其实我就想这系统的软件安装能更方便一些,写软件的都是程序员,没必要把用软件的人也培 ...

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2019-06-17 10:33
希望把任何应用(比如 文件管理器  回收站 终端等)退出时的窗口状态保存,再次打开时窗口大小位置依然在上次关闭的地方,对于大屏来说,多任务效率会高很多。
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2019-06-18 12:28
别问了 问就是先把15.10的bug都修复了
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2019-06-22 18:41
Display network speed on the status bar and a button to turn it on or off.
Upgrade the software in the store please, I'm using  GIMP 2.10, but in the store, the least GIMP is 2.8.
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2019-06-25 08:57
I think more important is drivers support and app resources.
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2019-06-25 17:03
Edited by maximk at 2019-6-25 09:29

hello, thanks for dev and debian. can u create global application menu like as   vala-panel-appmenu or polybar. basically is not cool use launcher for tray function...also double twice  time in down panel and start menu.will be awesome to have 3 controls - laucnher with two mode panel and topbar panel with these functions
- global app menu
- window tags.. will be more tiling
- shortcuts
- time/network/battery and etc widgets
- support custom plugin like i3/awesome on bash/python or etc
and right panel only for notifications . by self i add to it notifications, widgets - for example news or something data like lists.. info board with quick settings actions as win10. but mean it must only more info board then settings.

- 2 mode of settings. many users hate right settings bar...so cool to have settings as mate/gnome/win10/osx.
- cryptoraphic from box. imean something like cryptsetup
- hardware center - one place where user can get full info about hardware...for example, battery health, hdd/ssd health, install drivers,send reports to u about hardware bug, download dsdt, to do some ram/hdd/cpu tests, temperature reports, maybe graph file tree fo find big files... for overclockers will be good to have voltage and etc info. design like as process monitor.
- change design of gparted... its main tool. will be great to  have something in dde design but simple and powerfull  like osx.
- when do u plan to end migration to flatpak. because apps must be green and dont broke system.
- better integration with phones

thanks a lot

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2019-06-27 23:03
1. Integration of KDE Connect. 2. Ability to run Android apps.
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2019-06-30 05:29
I don't know if this is the right conversation to suggest update ideas but I would like to suggest an idea to improve efficiency and productivity with Deepin:

Hello, I would like to propose an addition that could be made for a future update. I really like the principle of the angle settings that allow you to close a window, open the application launcher or open the control center, options that I use very often on Deepin. I think this system could be further improved.

First I would like to ask why it is not possible to display the multitasking view without enabling window effects as it is possible on OS X.
I would also like to propose a feature that would make Deepin even more efficient: being able to copy and paste with the trackpad by pausing for example two fingers one above the other on the left of the trackpad to copy and on the right to paste. You could also imagine features similar to the angle settings with the corners and edges of the trackpad like changing windows / applications by double-clicking on the right and left sides of the trackpad as you use atl+tab to change windows. Another idea: double-clicking in the top right corner of the trackpad would reduce the window and triple-clicking would close it. For the application launcher, applications could be pinned to the dock by clicking on them with three fingers or with two very spaced fingers.
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2019-06-30 05:31
I don't know if this is the right conversation to suggest update ideas but I would like to suggest an idea to improve efficiency and productivity with Deepin:

Hello, I would like to propose an addition that could be made for a future update. I really like the principle of the angle settings that allow you to close a window, open the application launcher or open the control center, options that I use very often on Deepin. I think this system could be further improved.

First I would like to ask why it is not possible to display the multitasking view without enabling window effects as it is possible on OS X.
I would also like to propose a feature that would make Deepin even more efficient: being able to copy and paste with the trackpad by pausing for example two fingers one above the other on the left of the trackpad to copy and on the right to paste. You could also imagine features similar to the angle settings with the corners and edges of the trackpad like changing windows / applications by double-clicking on the right and left sides of the trackpad as you use atl+tab to change windows. Another idea: double-clicking in the top right corner of the trackpad would reduce the window and triple-clicking would close it. For the application launcher, applications could be pinned to the dock by clicking on them with three fingers or with two very spaced fingers.
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2019-07-02 04:28
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2019-07-02 20:22
System default "Hibernate" option. Restart every single time is a pain in the ass. Standby mode still consume too much power and i have to charge the battery everyday. not convenient.
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2019-07-02 23:16
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