Post You Feedback and bugs Here !
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s***[email protected]
2018-09-10 03:07
Hello Viewer/Reader Please Post Your Feedback and Bugs here in the medium of Reply and Comment . Thank You !  //Nepal
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2018-09-10 19:32

any advise how to change an icon on a desktop shortcut and how to add a program to the start menu applications?

I have installed Waterfox, sent a shortcut to the desktop but i can't set the icon of the browser - in the other distros it is easy.

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s***[email protected]
2018-09-10 20:06

any advise how to change an icon on a desktop shortcut and how to add a program to the start me ...

First Thank For Your Issue.  You can Simply Dock You Program and icon will be appear in Task Bar.
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2018-09-11 05:06
Edited by ivail at 2018-9-10 21:11
First Thank For Your Issue.  You can Simply Dock You Program and icon will be appear in Task Bar.

Thanks, but my question was not about the Dock - i'm not using Dock but standart programs menu.
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2018-09-13 12:00
Edited by msb at 2018-9-13 04:01

My problem is here:
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2018-09-13 13:20

any advise how to change an icon on a desktop shortcut and how to add a program to the start me ...

Open a text editor (e.g. gedit), drag the icon into the editor and drop it, you will see the content of this .desktop file. Edit the line beginning with "Icon=" as you wish.
Note: if you use a file path, it has to be absolute path (i.e. something like /home/user/app.png).
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2018-09-13 16:22
That was Really awesome.
2018-09-18 23:36
The screensaver functionality is missing.

If you installed Microsoft Office 2007 in Crossover and then you install the 15.7 upgrade, the Microsoft Office apps crash randomly. You cannot install them by using the original installer with Crossover because you cannot download all the required libraries.
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2018-09-19 00:37
Better to Try WPS office Instead of MS office In Linux.
2018-09-19 00:35
Thank for Your Opinion
2018-09-22 09:34
Edited by sukarof at 2018-9-22 05:07

With the latest update of Deepin and after reboot today I noticed that Vivaldi browser reverted to 1.13 (the one in the store) from 1.15 that I had downloaded from Vivaldi. I had uninstalled 1.13 before I installed the latest version of Vivaldi. Why did that happen? But everything is forgiven because in the update they included the plugin chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra and now videos plays in Vivaldi browser! I'm so happy.

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2018-09-22 17:02
Thank for Sharing Your Issue. As I'm Facing Same Issue in Google Chrome reverted to 68 build where I update 69 build.
2018-09-22 22:55

the tooltip text color is unreadable
pls fix
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2018-09-24 06:52
Thank for Sharing Issue ! //Deepin Nepal
2018-09-24 06:27
I notice that when Deepin is started the dock doesn't get updated until I move the mouse over it. It loads with few icons, for example the network icon is missing. But as soon as I hover the mouse over it then the icons appear. It was the same before the latest update a couple of days ago.
I also notice that all of a sudden it takes long time for Deepin to boot to the login screen. It shows three small square dots for 40 seconds before the login screen appears. I have had it for a couple days. I am not sure if it is the latest update of Deepin that caused this, or if it is me who messed up things. Around at the same time Deepin got its update I have deleted my Linux Mint Cinnamon and installed Linux Mint Mate instead (on another drive) I am not sure that has to do with anything but I thought I'll mention it anyways.
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ti******[email protected]
2018-09-25 05:18
Edited by timothyvda at 2018-9-24 21:28
With the latest update of Deepin and after reboot today I noticed that Vivaldi browser reverted to 1 ...

I have exactly the same issue. All programs that are installed from a different source (PPA/Repositories, manually, etc) and are present in the Deepin repositories will be downgraded.

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2018-09-25 08:38
Edited by sukarof at 2018-9-25 01:31
I have exactly the same issue. All programs that are installed from a different source (PPA/Reposit ...

Strange.I did install the newest version of Firefox from Mozilla, but now it is downgraded to 60.1 I notice now that you mention it. But they didnt manage to downgrade my Thunderbird 60 to their outdated version. It would be really interesting to know why they would want to mess with the users configuration like that.. I can see no logical reason for this behaviour! It is not very nice. I want the latest versions of software.
Is there any way to prevent them from forcing old versions of programs on us?
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ti******[email protected]
2018-09-25 12:58
Strange.I did install the newest version of Firefox from Mozilla, but now it is downgraded to 60.1  ...

This is indeed very strange behavior. This must be a bug, which I hope will be fixed soon. "Forcing" older software is a very bad thing to do. Most newer applications not only fix broken things that existed in the previous version but also contain security patches. So I don't see a good reason to do downgrade programs.

Unfortunately I don't have a temporarily solution, I wish I had.
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ti******[email protected]
2018-10-06 04:24
Strange.I did install the newest version of Firefox from Mozilla, but now it is downgraded to 60.1  ...

So, good news! I found the problem and most importantly the solution.
Because Deepin uses the repository components of upstream Debian you need to pin your repositories. This is so since Debian Stretch.

So if you want to use for instance the Vivaldi repository you need to pin it like this:

1. Create preference file for vivaldi:
  1. sudo nano nano /etc/apt/preferences.d/vivaldi
Copy the Code

2. Place following in this file:
  1. Package: *
  2. Pin: origin ""
  3. Pin-Priority: 1001
Copy the Code

3. Update your package list
  1. sudo apt update
Copy the Code

And you're good to go.

Hope this helps you!
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2018-10-06 05:47
So, good news! I found the problem and most importantly the solution.
Because Deepin uses the repo ...

Thank you timothyvda!
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2018-10-18 09:03
Edited by sukarof at 2018-10-18 01:07
So, good news! I found the problem and most importantly the solution.
Because Deepin uses the repo ...

I've done as you suggested. Does this mean that I have to do the same with all the software that gets downgraded everytime Deepin has an update? I notice that Timeshift, Firejail, Mailspring all gets downgraded too. It just happened with the latest update too today I noticed (I've been running Linux Mate for a couple of weeks since Deepin behaves like this. Damn annoying!) Is this bug based on Debian or deepin as far as you know?
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ti******[email protected]
2018-10-21 11:56
I've done as you suggested. Does this mean that I have to do the same with all the software that ge ...

I'm afraid so yes. You need to do this for every repository, which is indeed annoying and discouraging to add extra repositories. As far as I know this is a feature, not a bug.
I hope this is something that can be dissabled, but I don't know how (yet).
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2018-10-25 05:26
Edited by vagrod at 2018-10-25 16:24

I will repost my issues/observations here -- maybe devs will see it)

First of all, thank you for a such great operating system!
After a gap of almost 2 years, I tried Deepin again -- at this time on my HP Spectre x360 late 2017 4K laptop. Everything went smooth, but I noticed some issues:
0. Accelerometer does not work in Deepin. I tried to change screen rotation via sidebar settings, but got black screen and hanged up OS -- I had to reinstall Deepin with complete reformat to bring it back to life. Really need accelerometer support on this convertable device.
1. Touch input is really good, but lack of hold-to-rightclick functionality is really a big minus. We used to this on smartphones and windows laptops.
2. Touch scroll in Launcher. I cannot scroll apps list by touch.
3. In built-in file explorer I cannot select multiple files by gesture ("rectangle selection")
4. No touchpad gestures customization (I wanted to change four-finger tap to open sidebar, three-finger swipe up to show all windows and etc -- familiar windows gestures)
5. System apps do not work with VPN turned on (in my case, PIA). Store app, weather in sidebar and updates check does not work if VPN is turned on.
6. Really miss on-screen edge gestures (like show sidebar by swiping from right edge, show all windows by swiping from left edge and etc)
7. Update your apps repos more frequently. For example, you have chrome version 68, whether the last one is 70, as well as mailspring -- is really outdated. After I install fresh versions via deb files, when system update comes in -- all apps I updated are getting downgraded again. VERY annoying.
8. Really good dpi handling! But WPS Office appears to have big problems with scaling. It is not usable on 4K, without downscaling to 1080p.
9. Task bar do not show psensor's temperature data with option to show temperature values turned on in psensor's settings.
10. First activation of Multitasking View takes literally three seconds -- with only Chrome window opened and two default desktops. Every other activation after that is instant.
11. Make night light toggle more reachable. It now burried deep in sidebar, but many people often toggle it on and off frequently.
12. Sometimes Deepin just freezes: mouse cursor moves, but nothing is responding to clicks. Have to hard-reboot pc in this case. More often this happens when using touch input -- and every time it happens when you touch screen before tray icons are fully loaded.
13. Overall touch feel is much less snappier and feels off compared to, for example, Windows 10 touch experience. Like scrolling lags a bit, touch is not registered time to time, touchpad gestures are not firing every single time, have to repeat gesture two or three times for it to trigger action.

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2018-10-25 17:01
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