Deepin Clone, what is the Deepin Image File?
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2018-10-02 17:08

I used the Deepin Clone software program.

I am concerned that I do not know what is the format or type of file structure of the Deepin Image File.

Is it a proprietary file type only available in Deepin?

Or is it a style like a regular .img file ?

Can it only be restored from within Deepin?

Is there a reason the Deepin Clone software program is not included in the failsafe (liveboot) version? It makes it extra difficult to require me to do an install of DEppin on a separate disk, and the download and install Deepin Clone, and the make a clone of a separate disk to a third disk. Please consider including Deepin Clone inside the failsafe version so it can be run without required to install Deepin.

Is there a forum dedicated to only discuss Deepin Clone?

I think i recall there were some problems when trying to backup a partition, the partitions of the 3rd physical disk were not enumerated in the choices list. Where do I report this bug?

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2018-10-02 18:35
本帖最后由 dance707 于 2018-10-1 21:22 编辑

I agree there is not enough documentation in the manual. It does not really say how and what it is doing on image. In 15.6 there were concerns the ISO getting too large so it was trimmed down in 15.7. Deepin clone worked fine for me on partition clone and disk clone. I use Deepin Recovery more often then Deepin Clone. With any backup or clone tool I always recommend to practice and test, so you know what to expect when you really need it. If you find any bugs or have suggestions you may use the Deepin Feedback tool in your launcher. Or at the Deepin community site.
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2018-10-03 05:05
本帖最后由 dance707 于 2018-10-1 21:22 编辑

I agree there is not enough documentation in the manu ...

Thank you for your reply. It has been like pulling teeth (difficult and annoying) just to get registered for this forum, and then having to wait 5 days before allowed to make a posting. I will continue to test when I have time. I will also attempt to make some screen captures of the screens where I had issues with the partitions not being displayed in the list on the 3rd physical disk drive unit.

I am interested in using Deepin Clone to make backups, and I prefer the graphical progress indicator environment, versus the no progress indications of a common tool like DD disk duplicator or partimage.

My largest concern is that I have made backups, then when i need to use those backups for a restore operation, something will not work and I will be i troubles.
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2018-10-08 02:32
Thank you for your reply. It has been like pulling teeth (difficult and annoying) just to get regi ...

Deepin Clone worked fine for me. If you need some thing more advanced, I have always recommended Clonezilla. Some will argue command line methods are superior. I would rather have something with a good GUI like Deepin clone or more advanced Clonezilla. I like being able clone a system to a flash drive or to do network clones to remote storage devices. I recommend to all users, install Deepin Recovery after a clean install and then use a clone or backup service of your choice.
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