FAQ for new deepin users
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deepin document team
2018-11-13 18:52
本帖最后由 zhuxiujuan 于 2018-11-16 10:44 编辑

Q1: How to view the operations of system and applications (Deepin Manual)?
A1: Press the F1 shortcut key ( or click Help in main menu) on the desktop, control center, launcher, and deepin applications to call up Deepin Manual.

Q2: What should I do when I have problems?
A2: First, search in Wiki (https://wiki.deepin.org/ ) and the community (https://bbs.deepin.org/module). If there was no answer, execute
  1. sudo deepin-feedback-cli
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to generate a log file (tar.gz) in home directory (please do it right after the problem occurs), and attach it to deepin feedback (http://feedback.deepin.org/).

Q3: How to solve the eight hours time difference between deepin and Windows?
A3: The reason is that Windows and Linux have different standard time for hardware. Windows defaults to local time, while Linux defaults to UTC time, so it will be 8 hours difference. The solution is to change Windows to UTC time.
Run in Deepin Terminal:
  1. Sudo hwclock --systohc --localtime
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Enter the password and press Enter. The time will be changed. Reboot Windows to check it.

Q4: How to automatically mount Windows partition?
A4: Open Deepin File Manager and select [Auto mount] in [Settings] > [Mount].

Q5: How to solve the no sound problem of deepin?
A5: Switch on the speaker, execute "pacmd list-cards" and "pacmd list-sinks" commands in the terminal and feedback the output to deepin community.

Q6: How to solve the problem that the touchpad does not work or cannot be used?
A6: First, execute "sudo apt-get install xinput" command in the terminal, download the script below, unzip it, then execute "python3 xinput_detail.py" command in the script directory, and finally feedback the output to deepin community.

Q7: How to fix it if the Wifi signal is poor or disconnected frequently or  the wireless network cannot be found in network module?
A7: Try to turn off Bluetooth and wireless screencast at first. Then execute "sudo deepin-feedback-cli" command to generate a log file (tar.gz) and attach it to deepin feedback (please do it right after the problem occurs). If the wireless network works normally in other system, please help feedback the logs of other system as well for analyzing the reason.

In addition, the WiFi issue is generally caused by the driver. Please try to install rtlwifi for Realtek network card. Here is how:
1. Open Deepin Terminal, input "lspci", find your network card number, such as rtl8723be.
2. Visit https://github.com/lwfinger/rtlwifi_new on a computer that network connected, find if there is your network card number. If there is, click the green button at the top to download ZIP file.
3. Copy the zip file to network-disconnected PC.
4. Unzip the file and right click in the folder to open terminal, then run the following commands:
  1. make
  2. sudo make install
  3. sudo modprobe rtl8723be   #your network card number
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5. Reboot and you will find the WiFi is connected.
For network card in other brands, please find their Linux driver and do as above ways or read the driver instructions.

Q8: How to solve the download failure in Deepin Store?
A8: First, please run the command
  1. sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
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to check if it is the official source as below:
## Generated by deepin-installer
deb [by-hash=force] http://packages.deepin.com/deepin panda main contrib non-free
deb-src http://packages.deepin.com/deepin panda main contrib non-free

If not, delete the differences and save. Run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade", and then install apps again in Deepin Store.
If the failure reason is unmet dependencies, interruption, or other issues, please refer to wiki: https://wiki.deepin.org/index.php?title=Package_management&language=en#Common_problems.

Q9: How to install driver for HP printers?
1. Enter the command in Deepin Terminal:
  1. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install hplip hplip-gui hplip-plugin
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2. Then input "hp-setup" and follow the instructions on the interface to finish driver installation.

Q10: What should I do if the printer does not work properly after driver installation?
A10: Enter the command in Deepin Terminal:
  1. sudo cat /var/log/cups/error_log > ~/Desktop/1.log
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and attach the log file on desktop to deepin feedback.

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All Replies
deepin document team
2018-11-13 19:25
本帖最后由 zhuxiujuan 于 2018-11-16 10:41 编辑

Q11: How to solve system stuck issue?
A11: Press Ctrl-Alt-Esc to call out Deepin System Monitor, end the process with high memory or CPU occupation. If you cannot call it out, refer to wiki: https://wiki.deepin.org/index.php?title=System_hang&language=en#Recover_from_a_fake_hang.

Q12: How to solve the problem that I cannot enter the system after upgrade?
A12: Please select  "Advanced option for deepin ..." and enter to select a lower version kernel, check if you can enter the system.
If the upgrade was interrupted or you run "sudo apt-get upgrade" without a full upgrade, and you cannot enter deepin, please press ctrl+alt+F2 to enter tty and run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" to upgrade again.
If you cannot enter tty, please enter Deepin Recovery and upgrade.

Q13: How to add PPA of Ubuntu?
A13: To meet parts of user requirements, deepin supports adding Ubuntu PPA, but you should solve the dependencies on your own.
Run below command to add PPA of Ubuntu:
  1. sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
  2. sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
  3. sudo apt-get update
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Q14: Where to find the default wallpapers?
A14: /usr/share/wallpapers/deepin

Q15: Where to find system default sounds?
A15: /usr/share/sounds/deepin/stereo

Q16: Where to find application shortcuts (desktop files)?
A16: /usr/share/applications. To create desktop file, please refer to Desktop entry (https://wiki.deepin.org/index.php?title=Desktop_entry&language=en).

Source: https://bbs.deepin.org/post/146921
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deepin document team
2018-11-14 00:59
本帖最后由 zhuxiujuan 于 2018-11-16 10:40 编辑

Q17: Why I cannot login with the correct password, and it flashed back to the login screen?
A17: There are several reasons for this issue, please try one by one:
1. The configuration file was corrupted. Please press "Ctrl + Alt + F2" on the login screen to switch to TTY, and input your username and password (not shown) and enter. And then run below command:
  1. rm ~/.Xauthority
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and press "Ctrl + Alt + F1" to exit TTY.
2. /tmp permission error. Please press "Ctrl + Alt + F2" on the login screen to switch to TTY, and input your username and password (not shown) and enter. And then run below command:
  1. sudo chmod -R 777 /tmp && sudo chown root /tmp
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and press "Ctrl + Alt + F1" to exit TTY.
3. There is not enough free space in the /home partition. Please go to Deepin Recovery to move files, or use the command line to delete unnecessary files.

Q18: How to transfer files by Bluetooth?
A18: Since the transmission speed is too slow with Bluetooth and it has high power consumption, Bluetooth transmission will not be added in Deepin File Manager.

Q19: How to set fingerprint password?
Q19: In Account of Control Center, click on an existed account > Fingerprint Password > Add Fingerprint to enter the adding interface. Put your finger in fingerprint reader, and then click on Done after added successfully.

Q20: I have Windows and deepin installed, how to set Windows/deepin as the first boot option?
Q20: In System Information of Control Center, click on Boot Menu, and then click on the system you want.

Q21: What should I do when I forgot user password?
A21: Restart your PC and enter Deepin Recovery in boot menu. Open Deepin Repair and click on "assword Reset" to reset login password.

Q22: Why the password is not shown in Deepin Terminal?
A22: For security, the password in Deepin Terminal is not shown as plain text. Please input your password and press Enter directly.

Q23: What is the shortcuts for switching the input methods?
A23: Ctrl+Space: Switch between the active and inactive input methods;
          Shift+Space: Switch between all the input methods.
You can set input methods in Fcitx Configuration in Launcher.

Q24: How to solve the font missing problem in WPS Office?
A24: Due to the copyright, some fonts are not preinstalled in WPS. Please download and install the font on your own and make sure you have the copyright.

Q25: How to install antivirus software and firewall?
A25: As the privilege mechanism of Linux, there are little virus in Linux system. No need to install antivirus software and firewall.

Q26: How to defragment your disk?
A26: The disk fragmentation in Linux system is much less than that of Windows, so no need to defragment your disk.

Q27: How to install Japanese input method in deepin?
A27: Open Deepin Terminal, execute
  1. sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
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add the source "deb http://repo.haguro.moe sid main", save and execute
  1. sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install fcitx-mozc
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You will find it in the list of Fcitx Configuration.

Source: https://bbs.deepin.org/post/29480

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2019-04-13 11:47
What is the name of the Deepin binaries in /usr/bin etc. for those willing to do that, what the Deepin presentation shows at installations time, do all out the Deepin terminal in CLI?
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2019-04-13 11:49
Edited by oui at 2019-4-13 03:51

- error :-( sorry -
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2019-05-06 14:09
Hello @zhuxiujuan

This tip below can still be performed once the base has changed to Debian Stable?

Q13: How to add PPA of Ubuntu?
A13: To meet parts of user requirements, deepin supports adding Ubuntu PPA, but you should solve the dependencies on your own.
Run below command to add PPA of Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo apt-get update

Thank You

Edson Santos
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2019-06-23 23:01
Hello. I'm trying Deepin, and I really loved its desktop environment. It is very good. But while trying, I put the computer into sleep. after wake up, it asks for live user password. And we don't know it.What is the live user password? I tried "live" "deepin" "user" etc. none of them worked.
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2019-06-24 04:29
I'm started today with deepin,  but I sad because my wireless list my network,  but not connecting,  without internet is difficult. My network adapter is a Qualcomm Atheros R5695.
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2019-10-29 00:16
I have this problem on my deepin and I can't solve it plessssss help !!!
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2020-03-10 07:26
I am a new user. I want to upgrade kernel as live editor of Matlab is unable to run on current kernel which is 4.15. Please guide. Thanks.
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2020-05-18 04:38
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