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2018-12-10 00:53
Why is EULA included in installation process of Deepin OS?
It is uncommon for Linux distribution to include such agreements.
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2018-12-10 01:19
It's really common (and it's mandatory, in fact) for Linux distro to include EULA if it includes softwares using different licences incompatible with GPL. Some distro automatically make "agree" decisions for users during installation, but this does not mean these licences are not valid.
It is recommanded to read carefully the EULA text and see which application it applies to,  then decide to agree or decline.
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2018-12-10 01:43
It's really common (and it's mandatory, in fact) for Linux distro to include EULA if it includes sof ...

Ok. Can you give me examples of distributions that prompts you with EULA during installation process?
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2018-12-10 02:43
Ok. Can you give me examples of distributions that prompts you with EULA during installation proce ...

Debian. When you install fonts copyrighted by M$ (from terminal), you'll see EULA text.
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2018-12-10 03:35
If you find anything wrong, point it out; don't be suspicious.
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2018-12-10 03:52
Debian. When you install fonts copyrighted by M$ (from terminal), you'll see EULA text.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not arguing with you. Everything you have stated above is pretty much correct.
I am asking for examples of distributions that prompt you with EULA during installation process, and if you decline you cannot install or use them?
I have seen plenty of EULA-s in Linux distributions when installing proprietary software. That is not the issue. I can decline and continue to use the distro.
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2018-12-10 03:53
If you find anything wrong, point it out; don't be suspicious.

I am not saying anything is wrong. I am just saying it is uncommon practice that can repel many users.
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2018-12-10 04:10
本帖最后由 cg281312960 于 2018-12-9 22:19 编辑
I am not saying anything is wrong. I am just saying it is uncommon practice that can repel many us ...

Anyone can use the source code, but cannot modify the product. Just to prevent the system from breaking and the data is lost, isn't it?
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2018-12-10 05:10
It would be nice that Deepin gives some backgroud for the EULA? What is Deepin's concern?
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2018-12-10 06:16
It would be nice that Deepin gives some backgroud for the EULA? What is Deepin's concern?

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2018-12-10 06:23
I am not saying anything is wrong. I am just saying it is uncommon practice that can repel many us ...

Yes, so you have to point one thing out to prove it's evil; or it's just one reasonable practice whether it's uncommon or not.

By the way, I think they use EULA to protect their private code, like the stuffs dealing with printers, which do not have GUI to popup.

I never read the contents, I just click 'Yes' as how I treat other SOFTWAREs. But I know that you cannot click the 'Yes/Accept' button unless you pull down deepin EULA to the end.
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2018-12-10 06:55
Yes, so you have to point one thing out to prove it's evil; or it's just one reasonable practice w ...

Wait just a minute.. Who said anything about evil? This is not a religious discussion.
I really want to see Deepin succeed and become most popular distro out there. I think EULA in installation process is not a good move in that direction.
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2018-12-14 07:31
considering there are proprietary applications included with the OS I would expect an EULA.

Open Source Idea

The deepin project is a creative and energetic open source desktop operating system. It insist the open source idea all the way, the development are under GPL License and all the code are open sourced. The code of the deepin project has all uploaded to GitHub, the community, open source fans and the company will develop the deepin project together to make a due contribution for the China's open source.
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2018-12-15 03:13
considering there are proprietary applications included with the OS I would expect an EULA.

You are right. But I would like to decline and still install Deepin with only open source software included. EULA should not be mandatory. And I think many Linux users share this opinion.
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2018-12-15 07:49
All terms in the EULA looks very reasonable and clear; this is licensed under GPLv3, you cannot import or export without our consent, and we hold the copyright of the software, so you can't use our logo or our name without permission.
The thing that made worry, and the main reason I resent this EULA, is the term 4.1, that states you won't do stuff like "to publish, deliver, transmit or store any content that contravenes national law, or threatens the national security, reunification of the nation, social stability, or anything that is inappropriate, insulting, defamatory, obscene, violent and against the national laws, regulations and policies;"
That sounds like they don't trust me, and has nothing to do with propietary software.
I don't know what national law are they talking about, what social stability, or what's inaappropriate, obscene or violent. It sounds tricky, and I haven't found any explanation from Wuhan Deepin Technology.
Beside that, the agreement looks fair and reasonable.

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2018-12-15 12:48
All terms in the EULA looks very reasonable and clear; this is licensed under GPLv3, you cannot impo ...

Come on guys, this term never applies to you as you do not live in China.
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2018-12-16 09:22
Edited by jlamas at 2018-12-16 01:24
Come on guys, this term never applies to you as you do not live in China.

You're right. Maybe I'm too influenced by diastrous past experiences; in my mind, if it comes with an EULA, it's evil. But I've been using Deepin for two years long, and my experience is always great, not to mention the vast amount of free (as in freedom) software, they make GNU/Linux better and beauty.
I think the Deepin EULA is not that kind of EULA, and of course I'll continue using Deepin at home and at work, but I also think that users have to push a little, so I expressed my thoughts and concerns. Altough it looks like I hated them, I really apreciate Deepin
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2018-12-16 09:41
Thanks for sharing your ideas ;)
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