Deepin Ubuntu
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2019-01-18 10:18
There needs to be an offical Deepin Ubuntu version with the App Store and everything else offered by Deepin. For one Ubuntu works really well on all of my hardware if Deepin could have two versions it would give us more options and also more hardware support. Running Deepin now is either a hit or miss and I would rather be running Deepin than using some other distro that lacks the features and software I love in Deepin OS. Another idea is maybe at startup give is the choice of Debian or Ubuntu as the base for Deepin. Just my thoughts let me know what you guys think?

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2019-01-18 12:36
Linux Mint offers a Debian based version, which they developed in case Ubuntu isn't a suitable distro anymore. My bet is that Deepin team thinks the same, also it takes a lot of maintenance and you can see that Deepin itself is having issues with recent bugs and older drivers. I'd rather have an stable Debian based distro, you could install the Deepin Desktop and File manager in another distro of your preference.
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