[Discussion] New Deepin file manager addressbar / breadcrumbs style
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2019-03-20 00:37
Edited by keybreak at 2019-3-22 01:38

New Deepin file manager breadcrumbs style

I personally really don’t like it, i think previous was way better:
1. Historically it was game changer for a lot of clever file managers / browsers / other elements for a reason, i believe first time design of editable addressbar + clickable breadcrumbs + searchbar was introduced first time with Windows Vista (God forbid...lol). And the reasons for that was good: ease of use, intuitive, fast access switch between view / edit, consistency of design.

2. With new design you either have to use Ctrl + L or really redundant right mouse click - and then additional Edit address

3. The only reason this change was brought in the first place, was because some people had trouble in intuitively understanding that you can actually also drag window by this address/bredcrumb bar. I'd really dare to see those people, in my opinion someone who know how to use addressbar and don't even try to drag it with previous design - just doesn't know computer technology at all, so it's pretty overkill to even consider such major change for this reason)

And as Deepin devs stated not all of them even in the team is onboard with this change, they want to hear more feedback on the new one, which can be discussed here:

And on chinese section of forum here (google translated):

This is huge step back, and too radical change, i speak both as heavy user of dde-file-manager and UI designer myself
Please participate in discussion, while you can!

One good option is having compromise:
  • Have dropdown option in settings to switch between two options (while i argue that previous design should be default)
  • If user have chosen Efficient mode after installation - keep the old way (more like Windows), if user chose Fashion - keep new way (kinda Mac'y way)

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