The 6 top things Deepin is missing
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2019-04-23 22:22
Dear all,

As I have done in the past, I decided to write here-after the top things Deepin js deeply missing to be a fully mature operating system :

1 - Allow users to further customise Deepin apps, namely : to change the side of the windows control buttons (by windows controls buttons I mean close-maximize-minimize) ; to change some of the apps icons (in particular those from Files sidebar) ; and to change the “selection color” (the baby-blue may not be suitable to all users) ;

2 - A functional Nightlight ;

3 - because of the growing number of settings, I believe Deepin should consider a settings panel instead of a settings sidebar that users may have to longly scroll. Also, the settings panel should make peace with its initial purpose, which is to have applets : weather applet (like the one Deepin had in previous versions), Music app applet (to control sound and songs), News applet, Calendar applet (to have an overview of the next events), etc...

4 - further improved security and privacy : adding again a weather applet to the sidebar presupposes the consent of the user to collect its IP address. Just ask for it before actually collecting data and planting unnecessary distrust. Deepin is also missing a Firewall and its options in the sidebar ; A cleaner of the usage/garbage data ;

5 - a fully functional Calendar with events that could be added to it, and marked with the same color system as the one to mark files/folders in Files ;

6 - the Music app needs some love : the ability to read songs from streaming services, the ability to have different views (albums views, list views) like Files in its topbar, the ability to burn a CD (since Deepin is adding this function to Files), etc.

I wrote this small article in a hope to drive the attention of Deepin devs and that those devs would agree with this description. In any case, many thanks for the work you have already performed so far.

All the best,

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