Deepin15.7:after update no access to the commando bar
Community Discussion 625 views · 0 replies ·
2019-05-23 00:27
Deepin15.7:after update no access to the commando bar at the bottom of screen and I find no way to commute to the full screen applications selector. I can only use Alt+F2 and require app's with known application's name (as I did install in German, I don't know the English names so well!). Also the active screen did never work on my laptop (DELL XPS i7 8 GB 3/4 TB) with best HD screen + best sound. I did reinstall 5 times and each time did happen the same...
- What can I do?
- Can I perhaps combine Deepin, like f. ex. LXQT permit it, with an other screen manager like JWM to have a simple tray at the bottom (as the dock with the icones of opened app's and clock etc is usefull. But I don't need some starting icons for applications (and it is possible to include them easily in the tray from JWM)?
- What can I do?
- Can I perhaps combine Deepin, like f. ex. LXQT permit it, with an other screen manager like JWM to have a simple tray at the bottom (as the dock with the icones of opened app's and clock etc is usefull. But I don't need some starting icons for applications (and it is possible to include them easily in the tray from JWM)?