Manjaro DeepinDE concerns over at the Manjaro Forums
Community Discussion 1485 views · 5 replies ·
2019-06-04 10:57
Edited by abraxis1983 at 2019-6-4 02:58
I just wanted to raise your attention to the issues concerning the Manjaro userbase over on their forums as they struggle to maintain the Deepin Desktop Environment:
Long story short, Manjaro, one of the most popular Linux distributions, is considering dropping Deepin from their list of supported DEs, which I think would do a disservice to Deepin users and the wider community of Linux users who have found Deepin as a gateway to the Linux OS (myself included).
Whether or not you use Manjaro or DeepinOS, I think maintaining a stable DeepinOS for the devs over there is a win-win for everyone.
Devs, if you're listening, please consider communicating with the Manjaro developers for future Deepin / Manjaro co-existence.
It seems you you got the message too late, You can check there is no link to manjaro deepin now: at community
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2019-08-01 02:28
Edited by jigglywiggly at 2019-8-2 17:39
I am sure it can be restored if there are less bugs. I am using Manjaro Deepin right now because I like to have new software instead of 2 year old software like stock Deepin. I also want easy access to new kernels. (5.1 for e.g supports my drawing tablet natively). Manjaro Deepin has access to the latest video drivers on amd.
But there are a lot of small bugs, Deepin Kwin on Manjaro is very buggy. Other random bugs like not being able to click on Wine applications in the system tray. If the stock verison of Deepin has the access to the latest software Manjaro Deepin would not really be needed. AUR is very nice to have but you can live without it.
In terms of bugs with Deepin Manjaro and kwin that are NOT present on deepin-wm
1. The start menu in efficient mode gets a gradient from the color of the second monitor if it is next to it. For instance, if you have a white appplication open on your second monitor that is on the left of your primary monitor and you open the start menu, there is a white gradient on the start menu.
2. Wallpaper does not scale to the whole monitor if you use xrandr scaling. My secondary monitor is 1080p, I am using xrandr scaling 2x2 to emulate a 4k display. The wallpaper is 1/4th of the size it should be. The rest is a black background.
3. I have a whiteish gradient on my taskbar.
EDIT: I should mention I love Deepin and thank all the developers for working on it. It's just that the bugs can get a bit anoyying is all.
I just wanted to raise your attention to the issues concerning the Manjaro userbase over on their forums as they struggle to maintain the Deepin Desktop Environment:
Long story short, Manjaro, one of the most popular Linux distributions, is considering dropping Deepin from their list of supported DEs, which I think would do a disservice to Deepin users and the wider community of Linux users who have found Deepin as a gateway to the Linux OS (myself included).
Whether or not you use Manjaro or DeepinOS, I think maintaining a stable DeepinOS for the devs over there is a win-win for everyone.
Devs, if you're listening, please consider communicating with the Manjaro developers for future Deepin / Manjaro co-existence.
thank you