2019-06-25 16:18 The Chinese Pinyin input method also uses the standard English keyboard layout.
In Chinese input method:
1. ü = v
2. üe rarely appear (only lüe & nüe = lve & nve), and other situations exist as ue (e.g. yue, jue, que, xue)
but you can also use lue & nue, the results are the same as lve & nve, when you use the Chinese input method
3. no üan in Pinyin, but uan. Although sometimes read as "üan", it is written as "uan".
4. ün is similar to üan, no ün but un in Chinese input method.
If you are using deepin, you can download Sogou Pinyin directly.
Or you can also search for other Chinese input methods in the app store(deepin-appstore).
In Chinese input method:
1. ü = v
2. üe rarely appear (only lüe & nüe = lve & nve), and other situations exist as ue (e.g. yue, jue, que, xue)
but you can also use lue & nue, the results are the same as lve & nve, when you use the Chinese input method
3. no üan in Pinyin, but uan. Although sometimes read as "üan", it is written as "uan".
4. ün is similar to üan, no ün but un in Chinese input method.
If you are using deepin, you can download Sogou Pinyin directly.
Or you can also search for other Chinese input methods in the app store(deepin-appstore).
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I would like to re-begin to write Chinese pinyin. But it seems to be difficult in Deepin as I am not able to use the full set of character map US INTL (it it VERY DIFFICULT to use that it in Deepin! The natural situation in Deepin is that Deepin refuses that map! I did find a way intalling JWM (Joe's Window Manager) and setting my StartupCommand like following in /etc/jwm/system.jwmrc
xli -onroot -fillscreen /usr/share/wallpapers/deepin/Reflection_of_the_Kanas_Lake_by_Wang_Jinyu.jpg &
exec seamnkey -private &
exec setxkbmap us intl
But no way to produce the composed signs with tones for
Linguist's Note:
The following are the IPA symbols for this section’s Mandarin finals:
Mandarin: ü [y]
Mandarin: üe [yɛ]
Mandarin: üan [yɛn]
Mandarin: ün [yn]
( https://chinesepod.com/tools/pronunciation/section/15 )?
Kind regards
Note: I use no input methode but only https://inputking.com/ if I try to produce real Chine signs. But I find Chinese signs are nothing for me and would prefer to stay at good complete pinyin transcription. It's difficult enough for me :-)) ! And different from the other offered languages in InputKing, for the own tongue, InputKing offer no transliteration table of the signs for simpl. PinYin in it small editor menu!