2019-07-18 01:05 deepin
try run in terminal
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- xdg-mime default org.gnome.Nautilus.desktop inode/directory
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[size=14.6667px]I actually find the Deepin file manager very nice. However, when I need to open a file or folder Deepin is unable to do so! Which is a huge issue for me when working in Unity where I have to select and output folder for a build. [size=14.6667px]I have attached a gif of me trying to do so.
[size=14.6667px]This problem with selecting a folder only occurs in Unity. Not when I 'Open folder...' in Visual Studio code.
[size=14.6667px]Any chance I can completely change my file manager to Nautilus or that this problem may be solved somehow? Seems like a bug to me, but I am ensure if the bug lies with Unity or with the Deepin file manager.