deepin 15.11 - Better Never Stops
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2019-07-20 02:25
deepin 15.11 - Better Never Stops
deepin is a Linux distribution devoted to providing a beautiful, easy to use, safe and reliable system for global users.
deepin is an open source GNU/Linux operating system, based on Linux kernel and mainly on desktop applications, supporting laptops, desktops, and All-in-One computers. It preinstalls Deepin Desktop Environment (DDE) and nearly 30 deepin native applications, as well as several applications from the open source community to meet users' daily learning and work needs. In addition, about a thousand applications are offered in Deepin Store to meet users' various requirements.
Welcome to deepin 15.11 release. Compared with deepin 15.10, deepin 15.11 comes with new features - Cloud Sync in Control Center and disc burning function in Deepin File Manager. Besides, kwin window manager was fixed and optimized for better stability and compatibility, and a number of bugs were fixed. In deepin 15.11, you will enjoy smooth and better user experiences!

deepin unstable version is officially not supported since deepin 15.11. For unstable version users, please download stable version here and install it as soon as possible.

Here is the way to get the version you are using:
Open the terminal and input the below command:
cat /etc/apt/sources.list |grep panda
If “panda” is shown in the output, you are using unstable version; if there is no output, you are using stable version.
New Features
dde-kwin - Getting better and better
dde-kwin is improved prominently with dozens of bug fixed, more light, beautiful and compatible.
Deepin Store - Auto recognize your region
In Deepin Store 5.3, if sign in, your region will be determined according to your Deepin ID location. Otherwise, it will be determined according to your IP address location.
Could Sync - Sync the system settings at one click
After Signing in Deepin ID in Control Center, you can sync system settings to the cloud automatically, including network settings, sound settings, mouse settings, update settings, power settings, corner settings, theme, wallpaper, launcher, and dock. You can choose to turn off the specified options or all of them. With this feature, you can move to and work on another computer seamlessly.  
Note: This feature is only available for users with Deepin ID location in Mainland China at present. It will be released for users in other regions soon.
Disc burning - Write data to the disc easily
Disc burning function is now available in Deepin File Manager. When there is an optical drive, insert the CD/DVD, and right click the files to start burning right away.
Deepin Movie - Drag and drop to load subtitles
Now you can drag and drop the subtitle files to Deepin Movie, and load the subtitles directly.
Dock - Show the capacity and the remaining time
Hovering on the battery icon, you can see the tooltip showing the capacity, the remaining time or the charging time needed.  
Bug Fixes and Improved Functions
* Added: support simultaneous password and fingerprint verification;
* Fixed: setting the background wallpaper of boot menu failed;
* Fixed: the random crash of Deepin Calendar;
* Fixed: the password field lost focus after authentication failed;
* Fixed: in some cases, the function that changing the wallpaper when wakeup did not work;
* Fixed: the window effect did not work for Nvidia m250 and GTX 1060 graphics cards;
* Fixed: when window effect was disabled, the window preview in dde-dock was not shown or shown as blank;
* Fixed: the system stuck if clicking the process tab in Deepin System Monitor;
* Fixed: the shortcuts cannot be used to start an app when searching in Launcher;
* Fixed the bug that the other icon was selected after pressing ESC when right clicking on an app in launcher;
* Disabled: Deepin Terminal and Multitasking View cannot be uninstalled any longer.
* Fixed: it was not recognized on some computer models whether the power adapter was used;
* Fixed: the volume list was hidden when adjusting the volume;
* Fixed: the dock crash when clicking the window preview if window effect was disabled;
* Improved the screen preview;
Control Center:
* Added: the Cloud Sync function;
* Added: support the user without a password;
* Fixed: the overlap display of the shortcuts;
* Fixed: the error box did not disappear when modifying the password;
* Fixed: in custom settings of multi-display environment, the merge mode exited automatically when the screen resolution was changed;
* Fixed the bug that there was still update notification after system update was completed;
* Fixed the bug that the old configuration was deleted if switching from non-custom mode to custom display;
* Note that to set the display scaling for wine applications, users should log in again and set the display scaling to make the changes effective;
* Added: support the user without a password;
* Added: support LDAP user login;
* Fixed: the password field lost focus after suspending;
* Fixed: the stuck on lock screen and login interface after suspending for a long time;
* Fixed the crash of login interface on the initial start;
* Fixed the bug that the password error message popped out when switching users;
* Fixed: the abnormal screen display when opening a window with title bar after enabling and disabling the window effect many times;
* Fixed: the window cannot be minimized, and Deepin Movie cannot play the video after the minimized window was restored;
* Fixed: the window was not shown when clicking the window preview on the dock after the window was minimized;
* Fixed: the +/- button in workspace management interface became smaller after being clicked on HiDPI;
* Fixed: the window of WPS Office was not shown sometimes;
* Limited the number of workspaces to a maximum of four;
* Improved the window dragging experience on a touchscreen, and fixed the "window resize"misoperation when dragging;
* The window menu adopted the menu controls in deepin style;
* Fixed: the abnormal display of window title bar when the display scaling ratio was two;
* Fixed: there was no preview picture on the dock if the window was minimized;
* Fixed: the window cannot get the focus in some cases;
* Fixed: the invalid shortcuts Super + Shift + Numeric Keys. You can use it to move the current window to the specified workspace again.
* Disabled: on the workspace management interface, press Alt, and drag and drop the window to move it to another workspace. You can drag and drop the window directly without pressing Alt;
* The “Close Window” function in corner settings only worked for the maximized window and that can be closed;
* Added: a warning prompt if clicking multitasking view while the window effect was disabled;
* Fixed: in kwin, the screensaver was shown on only one screen when in the multi-display environment;
* Fixed: in kwin, after showing the desktop and the screensaver started, the dock was shown on the screensaver;
* Removed the opacity effect when dragging the window;
* Removed the thumbnails in four corners while showing desktop;
* Fixed the bug that the other hidden windows were also shown if clicking or opening a window after showing desktop;
* Removed the context menu on window title bar;
* Added support for window preview on the dock;
* Fixed the bug that the cursor did not change when dragging or resizing the window in kwin.
Deepin File Manager
* Added disc burning function;
* Added the indicator to show disk free space;
* Fixed the bug that the icon of the mounted external disk was not shown in Computer page;
* Fixed: the disk cannot be recognized as the removable disk correctly when using the new lsblk;
* Fixed: the security issue of the formatting tool;
* Fixed: the crash of context menu in recent file list;
* Fixed: the auto-merge status on desktop cannot be remembered;
* Removed the menu options in the copying dialog and the file selection dialog;
* Delayed the auto index of the disk to prevent the slow system startup;
* Fixed the issue that the dimension of desktop background and that of the screen did not match in some conditions;
* Removed the unnecessary gap between the folders when “Auto merge” was checked;
* The database files created by fast index and file tags in NTFS partition were set to be hidden so that they would not be shown in Windows.
Deepin Store
* Determine the region automatically by Deepin ID location;
* Show the info of developer and packager on app page;
* Show the total donation amount in my donations;
* Optimized the app search function.
Deepin Editor
* Fixed: the crash when saving the file in other desktop environments;
* Fixed: the existing window was not at the top when double clicking another file to open it;
* Changed the default open location to “Documents” folder when selecting a file.
Deepin Graphics Driver Manager
* Fixed the bug that the bumblebee solution did not work;
* Disabled the NV-PRIME solution temporarily.
Deepin Image Viewer
* Fixed: the invalid page setup in print preview.
Deepin Movie
* Fixed: the window stuck when switching in multi-screens.
Deepin Music
* Fixed: the window was not at the top when double clicking a file to open it.
Deepin Screen Recorder
* Fixed: the window cannot be selected.
Deepin Screenshot
* Fixed: the window cannot be selected if display scaling was set for the secondary monitor.
* Fixed: the incorrect window capture in the multi-display environment;
* Fixed: the burl tool did not work.
Deepin Terminal
* Added: support disabling beep by configuration;
* Added: drag the right bottom corner to adjust the window size when the window effect was disabled;
* Added: blur the background in kwin;
* Added: right click to open the selected relative path directly;
* Added: move the title bar to the bottom of the window(no UI settings with configuration file only);
* Added: The “Open link” option was added in context menu;
* Fixed: in Quake mode, the terminal cannot get the focus again after losing it if using kwin;
* Fixed: the server cannot be connected successfully if the password contained a special character (such as "{").
Deepin Voice Recorder
* Fixed: the crash when renaming the recording file;
* Fixed the bug that there were two app icons in the sound list on dock tray in some cases.
Find a bug
If you find a new issue, please let us know by filing a bug. The community forum is also a great place to reach out for help or learn about common issues.
About Us
deepin is an open source Linux system developed for common users. You are free to download, distribute, modify and use it.
Welcome to follow us on Weibo, Wechat, Twitter, Facebook, and Github to acquire the latest updates and source code for the first time, and join our forum to communicate and share your experience with community members.
We are grateful to the community teams and companies that have provided support on deepin testing, documentation, translation, and mirror. With your selfless contribution, open source world is getting better and better! Thanks also to the users who have been supporting, understanding and waiting for us, you give us the motivation to keep moving forward, and the courage to improve deepin constantly.

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All Replies
2019-07-20 04:24
Congratulations on 15.11 and thanks for the release

Did hidpi per display not make it in this release?
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2019-07-21 12:40
Please make deepin-kwin as elegant as the deepin-wm!!!
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2019-07-22 00:56
Is there a way to simply upgrade in-place from unstable/panda (the previous default) to the current stable? Is there any chance of it coming? Doing a fresh install with further  apps and configs is not as entertaining as it may sound for some.... especially when you ahve to do it for quite a few different people in your family ;/ I'd really love to get an in-running OS unstable-to-stable system upgrade utility that all my family could simply run...
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deepin document team
2019-07-22 21:52
Is there a way to simply upgrade in-place from unstable/panda (the previous default) to the current  ...

I am afraid there is not that way.
Maybe you can use cloud sync to reduce the migration work when cloud sync is available in your region.
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deepin document team
2019-07-22 21:53
Is there a way to simply upgrade in-place from unstable/panda (the previous default) to the current  ...

I am afraid there is not that way.
Maybe you can use cloud sync to reduce the migration work when cloud sync is available in your region.
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2020-04-03 14:19
Deepin 15.11 was abandoned and without updates and support and even without any deepin 20 distro ready, so the community is very much to be desired, nor is deepin 20 iso of tests they show, so it seems they want to end the deepin distro anyway
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2020-04-03 14:39
deepin 15.11 - Better Always Stops
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