Blur effect has stopped working on the taskbar in fashion mode
Community Discussion 4473 views · 2 replies ·
2020-09-22 09:55
Blur effect on the taskbar stops working whenever it hides. The problem does not happen in efficient mode, and once in efficient mode, if I change to fashion mode again it returns to work properly until the taskbar hides again.
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2020-09-22 17:09
Thank you for your feedback. Please provide your configuration information for us to verify the problem.
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2020-09-23 03:43
Ok, here my system config.
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600.
GPU: Nvidia GTX 1650 with nvidia-driver (not noveau, but the same issue happens with noveau).
Mother Board: Prime B450M-Gaming/BR.
Storage: SSD M2 Western Digital Blue 500GB.
RAM: 2 x 8GB Kingston 2400MHz.
SO: Dual Boot : Windows 10 / Linux Deepin 20 v 5.4.50-amd64-desktop-UOS 83.0.3-3+rebuild.