Usually this is related to your e-mail account settings, like IMAP/SMTP service, check whether these settings are enabled.
Also part of e-mail accounts need authorization code instead of password to login when using third-party e-mail client.
Usually this is related to your e-mail account settings, like IMAP/SMTP service, check whether these settings are enabled.
Also part of e-mail accounts need authorization code instead of password to login when using third-party e-mail client.
Surely but cant with office 365, the other clients usually link me to an microsoft web page where i can fill it with my account infos and password, with just imap and smtp gives me an error
Surely but cant with office 365, the other clients usually link me to an microsoft web page where i can fill it with my account infos and password, with just imap and smtp gives me an error
Have you ever tried other email applications, like 'Mailspring' or 'Thunderbird'. If this is deepin-mail's problem, trying other applications may solve your problem.
Yes i'm using ritght now mailspring and it works fine. I just like the theme and deepin in general, so id like to use the system mail app. But thanks anyway
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Hi, im an italian student using deeping 20.1 and i really like it. I want to use the new deepin-mail software but i cant add my university mail account (office 365) and the gmail one, can anyone help me?