[Seek Help] Enable root and disable sudo user - View thumbnails of shared folders.
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2021-10-25 18:28

I am with deepin 20.2.4 and I am somewhat entangled with the permissions of the user sudo since with this I can modify files, create users, manage the managed disks, etc. this for me is better to handle root and not sweat since it is easy for a person to see the password when entering the pc and already with it they can modify or damage something.
Also in the shared folders when they open I can't see the thumbnails. I appreciate any help.

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2021-10-25 19:55

1. " this for me is better to handle root and not sweat since it is easy for a person to see the password when entering the pc and already with it they can modify or damage something."

---This is called human contruction attack, stay away from the bad guys :)


2. "in the shared folders when they open I can't see the thumbnails"

---i also have this problem, maybe you should change another file manager. :(

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2021-10-25 20:01

1. " this for me is better to handle root and not sweat since it is easy for a person to see the password when entering the pc and already with it they can modify or damage something."

---This is called human contruction attack, stay away from the bad guys :)


2. "in the shared folders when they open I can't see the thumbnails"

---i also have this problem, maybe you should change another file manager. :(

i can see the thumbnails of shared file directories on another file manager which is called dolphin. you can have a try. 


you can install from official app market or  the terminal with the command "sudo apt install dolphin".


i don't why i can not see this on deepin's default file manager, Maybe there is something wrong with its preview libraries.





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2021-12-24 12:15

I want to log in as root, instead of my user account. I don't want to use su or sudo. I've been able to do what I want with lots of Debian flavors, but I haven't been able to get around Deepin's developers.

If you know how to get root offered as a login user, please tell me.

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