[Exchange and share] Dock panel in 23
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2023-02-06 14:05

I just installed 20.3 and saw what the dock looks like. It doesn't look good compared to 20.8 I want to be able to enable the dock as in 20.8 Make a choice.

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Super Moderator
Product Manager
2023-02-06 17:42

23DDE has not yet been released, if you saw it in the Japanese update version, please take a screenshot to describe what you feel is bad. There are 23 modes of fashion and efficiency

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2023-02-06 23:21

23DDE has not yet been released, if you saw it in the Japanese update version, please take a screenshot to describe what you feel is bad. There are 23 modes of fashion and efficiency

I mean design. The panel is now divided into several parts. This may not be to everyone's liking. I would like to be able to select a panel like in 20.8

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2023-02-07 00:50

23DDE has not yet been released, if you saw it in the Japanese update version, please take a screenshot to describe what you feel is bad. There are 23 modes of fashion and efficiency

The DDE design is key in Deepin OS. You yourself and know this. A lot of people choose DDE because it doesn't try to copy other DEs, which is definitely cool. But I think the best outcome would be to be able to choose between the old and new interface to keep track of user experience.

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