[Seek Help] Failed Updating Edge and other Apps
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s***[email protected]
2023-09-25 19:48

Good evening I noticed whenever I try to update and app it failed via the store. Also when I run apt update or upgrade it shows no results of it needed update but they are newer version.Play on Linux doesn't work neither does Wine which is used to run windows application.....

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f***[email protected]
2023-10-23 04:00


sudo apt-get autoremove


sudo apt-get upgrade

then some error

sudo apt install -f

take notes of missing package

sudo apt-get update

at least 2 or 3 times in order to see all missing package

then should work, Works for me on new install on MacMini 2006 core2duo with 8gb memories

hope it helps, have a good day

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2023-11-17 19:45
f***[email protected]


sudo apt-get autoremove


sudo apt-get upgrade

then some error

sudo apt install -f

take notes of missing package

sudo apt-get update

at least 2 or 3 times in order to see all missing package

then should work, Works for me on new install on MacMini 2006 core2duo with 8gb memories

hope it helps, have a good day

apt can be used instead of apt-get since many years ago.

apt autoremove merely removes orphaned packages. Other than recovering a few MB it has no other use whatsoever. And irrelevant for the issue posted.

apt update merely refreshes the package list by accessing the repositories and checking for newer versions. It'll fail with errors if any of them can't be accessed for whatever reason. And why exactly are you recommending to run it "at least 2 or 3 times in order to see all missing package"? It doesn't show missing packages - running apt upgrade or apt full-upgrade after will indeed show missing dependencies - but in any case run it once, it won't show anything different in the second or third attempt.

apt install -f , the same as apt --fix-missing install , is used to add whenever possible missing packages/dependencies. It'll simply do NOTHING if the problem stems from invalid repos of if the packges don't exist at all in any repo. It's not a magical incantation! And most of the times when, for whatever reason, an installtion process was interrupted and you end up with "broken packages" you need to run dpkg --configure -a to fix it before using apt again.

Works for me on new install on MacMini 2006 core2duo with 8gb memories

Something might have worked but not what you think did.

Using command prompt is fine, even encouraged, but then you need to understand what the commands do in order to use them properly.

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j***[email protected]
2024-12-10 14:22

Have you tried clearing the cache of your package manager or the software store? MethodistMyChart

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