[Others] Adjustable Window Tiling V23
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2023-11-28 23:22
[System Version]: deepin V23 [Current Status of the Product]: none [Desired Product]: Flexible Window Tiling One feature found on KDE Plasma I miss on Deepin is the ability to adjust the number, size, and placement of window on the screen. This is especially true when working with large monitors. The keystrokes and gestures developed by the KDE team make good sense as well. https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/5.27.0/#:~:text=Activate%20it%20in%20System%20Settings%20%3E%20Workspace%20Behavior,%28%22%20Windows%20%22%29%20key%2C%20and%20then%20press%20T.

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2023-11-28 23:22
Sorry, I'm not sure if my understanding is correct. Are you referring to the fact that the app can resize the window after splitting the screen? If I misunderstand, you can add content to the forum post after my reply so that I can understand, and you can provide a video or GIF. Due to the difference in language understanding, I am more worried that I will not be able to understand what you mean.
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