[Newbies] Will there be an OpenHarmony version of Deepin?
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2023-12-01 08:44

Since Huawei is back into the business of making Kirin chips, the sensible thing is to make use of Open Harmony OS.

I tell you the truth, I only use Deepin to download torrents and watch MKV videos. It's much too slow to do useful work. I think Deepin should seriously think about abandonning the Linux base and switch to using Open Harmony. Then at least I can use Deepin to work productively. The future is no longer Linux running on x86/x64 but x64/ARM/Loongson running on Open Harmony OS.

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2024-07-26 12:08

Huawei's Kirin chips and Open Harmony OS (also known as HarmonyOS) are indeed part of Huawei's strategy to build a more integrated and controlled ecosystem. HarmonyOS is designed to work across a variety of devices, including smartphones, tablets, and potentially other types of devices.

You mentioned using Deepin primarily for downloading torrents and watching MKV videos, but finding it too slow for productive work. Deepin is a Linux distribution that focuses on a user-friendly interface, but performance can vary depending on the hardware and specific use cases. tiny fishing

  • Explore Other Linux Distributions: Consider trying other Linux distributions that are known for their performance on older or less powerful hardware. MX Linux, Peppermint OS, or Arch Linux (for more advanced users) could be worth exploring.
  • Monitor HarmonyOS Developments: Keep an eye on developments with HarmonyOS, especially if it starts to support more desktop-oriented features and applications.
  • Optimize Your Current Setup: If you prefer to stick with Deepin, optimizing your current setup (e.g., disabling unnecessary services, using lighter applications) might improve performance.
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