[Screen Capture] 无法截图或录屏 Resolved
poster avatar
West Chen
2024-03-26 09:41

截图完了后一下子就退出了,有截图框出来,可以选区域,但选完后就直接退出了,无法下一步操作(比如确认或点其它按钮操作,像保存成文件啥的), 我都没有点确认就没了。




另外,也升级了玲珑 sudo apt install linglong-bin 还是无果,发现ll-cli run 也不行,如图:


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All Replies
2024-03-26 10:14

ll-cli update org.deepin.screen-recorder


Reply View the author
West Chen
2024-03-26 10:22


还是一样的效果,玲珑不行,貌似只有这个可以运行deepin-screen-recorder , 但是运行这个就是会出现一截图/选完区域就退出的问题

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2024-03-26 10:28
West Chen


还是一样的效果,玲珑不行,貌似只有这个可以运行deepin-screen-recorder , 但是运行这个就是会出现一截图/选完区域就退出的问题


sudo apt install deepin-screen-recorder

Reply View the author
West Chen
2024-03-26 10:43


sudo apt install deepin-screen-recorder


chenwei@cw:/mnt/lp1/code/atlas$ sudo apt install deepin-screen-recorder
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
deepin-screen-recorder is already the newest version (6.0.1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
chenwei@cw:/mnt/lp1/code/atlas$ deepin-screen-recorder
isDeepin: true
isDDE: true
SystemName: "Deepin"
EditionName: "Community(Beta3)"
ProductTypeName: "Desktop"
SystemVersion: "23"
Is Table: false
Is Wayland: false
Is Root User: false
where is libs? where is QDir( "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" , nameFilters = { "" }, QDir::SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase ) , QDir::Filters( Dirs|Files|Drives|AllEntries ) )
Is libavcodec in there? there is : ("libavcodec.so.60", "libavcodec.so.60.31.102")
Is exists ffmpeg in PATH( "/home/chenwei/.config/nvm/versions/node/v14.21.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/snap/bin:/mnt/lp1/software/idea-IU-232.9559.62/plugins/maven/lib/maven3/bin:/mnt/lp1/software/scala/scala-2.12.17/bin:/mnt/lp1/software/gradle/gradle-7.6.2/bin" ): true
Is FFmpeg Environment: true
2024-03-26, 10:41:27.459 [Debug] [dguiapplicationhelper.cpp Dtk::Gui::DGuiApplicationHelper::loadTranslator 1630] load translate "/usr/share/qt5/translations/qt_en"
2024-03-26, 10:41:27.461 [Debug] [dguiapplicationhelper.cpp Dtk::Gui::DGuiApplicationHelper::loadTranslator 1630] load translate "/usr/share/qt5/translations/qtbase_en"
2024-03-26, 10:41:27.462 [Debug] [dguiapplicationhelper.cpp Dtk::Gui::DGuiApplicationHelper::loadTranslator 1630] load translate "/var/lib/linglong/entries/share/deepin-screen-recorder/translations/deepin-screen-recorder_en_US"
2024-03-26, 10:41:27.463 [Info] [main.cpp main 169] Original Application Name is: "deepin-screen-recorder" . International Application Name is: "deepin-screen-recorder"
2024-03-26, 10:41:27.464 [Debug] [record_process.cpp RecordProcess::RecordProcess 50] 录屏控制类初始化!
2024-03-26, 10:41:27.469 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::initMainWindow 144] 屏幕: "eDP-1" 大小: QRect(0,0 1560x1040)
2024-03-26, 10:41:27.470 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::initMainWindow 167] 屏幕总大小: QSize(3120, 2080)
2024-03-26, 10:41:27.472 [Info] [ ] AppId is fetched from AM, and value is "deepin-terminal"
2024-03-26, 10:41:27.478 [Warning] [dguiapplicationhelper.cpp Dtk::Gui::DGuiApplicationHelperPrivate::onApplicationPaletteChanged 385] DGuiApplicationHelper: Don't use QGuiApplication::setPalette on DTK application.
2024-03-26, 10:41:27.479 [Debug] [main.cpp main 178] 截图录屏版本: "6.0.1"
2024-03-26, 10:41:27.480 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::initAttributes 196] 正在初始化应用相关属性...
2024-03-26, 10:41:27.494 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::initAttributes 204] initAttributes 204 screen size QRect(0,0 1560x1040)
2024-03-26, 10:41:27.588 [Debug] [utils.cpp Utils::isSysHighVersion1040 208] "Community(Beta3)" 3 System Version: "23" true ("23")
2024-03-26, 10:41:27.588 [Debug] [utils.cpp Utils::isSysHighVersion1040 208] "Community(Beta3)" 3 System Version: "23" true ("23")
2024-03-26, 10:41:27.589 [Debug] [utils.cpp Utils::isSysHighVersion1040 208] "Community(Beta3)" 3 System Version: "23" true ("23")
2024-03-26, 10:41:27.590 [Debug] [utils.cpp Utils::isSysHighVersion1040 208] "Community(Beta3)" 3 System Version: "23" true ("23")
2024-03-26, 10:41:27.590 [Debug] [utils.cpp Utils::isSysHighVersion1040 208] "Community(Beta3)" 3 System Version: "23" true ("23")
2024-03-26, 10:41:27.593 [Debug] [utils.cpp Utils::isSysHighVersion1040 208] "Community(Beta3)" 3 System Version: "23" true ("23")
2024-03-26, 10:41:27.595 [Debug] [utils.cpp Utils::isSysHighVersion1040 208] "Community(Beta3)" 3 System Version: "23" true ("23")
2024-03-26, 10:41:27.599 [Info] [zoomIndicator.cpp ZoomIndicator::ZoomIndicator 45] 多任务视图是否打开: 否
2024-03-26, 10:41:27.710 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::initBackground 1806] initBackground 1806 screen rect: QRect(0,0 3120x2080)
2024-03-26, 10:41:27.711 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::initShortcut 875] DGuiApplicationHelper::instance()->hasUserManual(): true
2024-03-26, 10:41:27.712 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::initAttributes 317] 发送鼠标事件!
2024-03-26, 10:41:27.714 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::initAttributes 322] 应用相关属性已初始化
2024-03-26, 10:41:27.762 [Warning] [ ] QXcbConnection: XCB error: 5 (BadAtom), sequence: 398, resource id: 0, major code: 20 (GetProperty), minor code: 0
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.163 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::updateToolBarPos 2078] 正在初始化工具栏...
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.164 [Debug] [subtoolwidget.cpp SubToolWidget::initRecordLabel 63] 正在初始化录屏工具栏UI...
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.453 [Debug] [subtoolwidget.cpp SubToolWidget::initRecordOption 171] 正在初始化录屏工具栏选项UI...
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.462 [Debug] [subtoolwidget.cpp SubToolWidget::initRecordOption 451] 默认是否录制鼠标?(0 不录制鼠标,及不录制鼠标点击,1 录制鼠标,2 录制鼠标点击,3 录制鼠标,及录制鼠标点击) 0
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.462 [Debug] [subtoolwidget.cpp SubToolWidget::initRecordOption 467] 录屏默认保存到 桌面
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.463 [Debug] [subtoolwidget.cpp SubToolWidget::initRecordOption 487] 录屏工具栏选项UI已初始化
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.463 [Debug] [subtoolwidget.cpp SubToolWidget::initRecordLabel 167] 录屏工具栏UI已初始化
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.463 [Debug] [subtoolwidget.cpp SubToolWidget::initShotLabel 492] 正在初始化截图工具栏UI...
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.474 [Debug] [subtoolwidget.cpp SubToolWidget::initShotOption 732] 正在初始化截图工具栏选项UI...
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.474 [Debug] [subtoolwidget.cpp SubToolWidget::initShotOption 762] 不存在指定路径
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.474 [Debug] [imagemenu.cpp ImageBorderHelper::ImageBorderHelper 331] ImageBorderHelper 331 QSize(1560, 1040)
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.676 [Debug] [subtoolwidget.cpp SubToolWidget::initShotOption 975] 截图工具栏选项UI已初始化
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.676 [Debug] [subtoolwidget.cpp SubToolWidget::initShotLabel 727] 截图工具栏UI已初始化
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.678 [Debug] [subtoolwidget.cpp SubToolWidget::setRecordLaunchMode 1329] setRecordLaunchMode 1329 1
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.680 [Info] [audioutils.cpp AudioUtils::initAudioDBusInterface 32] 音频服务初始化成功!音频服务: "org.deepin.dde.Audio1" 地址: "/org/deepin/dde/Audio1" 接口: "org.deepin.dde.Audio1"
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.682 [Info] [audioutils.cpp AudioUtils::initDefaultSourceDBusInterface 58] 默认音频输入源初始化成功!音频服务: "org.deepin.dde.Audio1" 默认输入源地址 "/org/deepin/dde/Audio1/Source5" 默认输入源接口: "org.deepin.dde.Audio1.Source"
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.683 [Info] [audioutils.cpp AudioUtils::initDefaultSinkDBusInterface 77] 默认音频输出源初始化成功!音频服务: "org.deepin.dde.Audio1" 默认输出源地址 "/org/deepin/dde/Audio1/Sink4" 默认输出源接口: "org.deepin.dde.Audio1.Sink"
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.684 [Debug] [subtoolwidget.cpp SubToolWidget::setMicroPhoneEnable 1414] mic 是否可选? false
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.687 [Info] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::updateToolBarPos 2091] 正在加载依赖库...
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.687 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 567] where is libs? where is QDir( "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" , nameFilters = { "
" }, QDir::SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase ) , QDir::Filters( Dirs|Files|Drives|AllEntries ) )
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.693 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 570] "libavcodec.so" Is it in there? there is ("libavcodec.so.60", "libavcodec.so.60.31.102")
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.693 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 567] where is libs? where is QDir( "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" , nameFilters = { "" }, QDir::SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase ) , QDir::Filters( Dirs|Files|Drives|AllEntries ) )
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.697 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 570] "libavformat.so" Is it in there? there is ("libavformat.so.60", "libavformat.so.60.16.100")
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.697 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 567] where is libs? where is QDir( "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" , nameFilters = { "
" }, QDir::SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase ) , QDir::Filters( Dirs|Files|Drives|AllEntries ) )
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.701 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 570] "libavutil.so" Is it in there? there is ("libavutil.so.58", "libavutil.so.58.29.100")
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.701 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 567] where is libs? where is QDir( "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" , nameFilters = { "" }, QDir::SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase ) , QDir::Filters( Dirs|Files|Drives|AllEntries ) )
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.704 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 570] "libudev.so" Is it in there? there is ("libudev.so.1", "libudev.so.1.7.7")
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.705 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 567] where is libs? where is QDir( "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" , nameFilters = { "
" }, QDir::SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase ) , QDir::Filters( Dirs|Files|Drives|AllEntries ) )
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.708 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 570] "libusb-1.0.so" Is it in there? there is ("libusb-1.0.so.0", "libusb-1.0.so.0.3.0")
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.708 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 567] where is libs? where is QDir( "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" , nameFilters = { "" }, QDir::SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase ) , QDir::Filters( Dirs|Files|Drives|AllEntries ) )
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.712 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 570] "libportaudio.so" Is it in there? there is ("libportaudio.so.2", "libportaudio.so.2.0.0")
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.712 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 567] where is libs? where is QDir( "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" , nameFilters = { "
" }, QDir::SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase ) , QDir::Filters( Dirs|Files|Drives|AllEntries ) )
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.716 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 570] "libv4l2.so" Is it in there? there is ("libv4l2.so.0", "libv4l2.so.0.0.0")
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.716 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 567] where is libs? where is QDir( "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" , nameFilters = { "" }, QDir::SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase ) , QDir::Filters( Dirs|Files|Drives|AllEntries ) )
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.719 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 570] "libffmpegthumbnailer.so" Is it in there? there is ("libffmpegthumbnailer.so.4", "libffmpegthumbnailer.so.4.15.1")
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.720 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 567] where is libs? where is QDir( "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" , nameFilters = { "
" }, QDir::SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase ) , QDir::Filters( Dirs|Files|Drives|AllEntries ) )
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.723 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 570] "libswscale.so" Is it in there? there is ("libswscale.so.7", "libswscale.so.7.5.100")
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.724 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 567] where is libs? where is QDir( "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" , nameFilters = { "*" }, QDir::SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase ) , QDir::Filters( Dirs|Files|Drives|AllEntries ) )
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.728 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 570] "libswresample.so" Is it in there? there is ("libswresample.so.4", "libswresample.so.4.12.100")
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.728 [Info] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::updateToolBarPos 2093] 依赖库加载已完成
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.728 [Info] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::updateToolBarPos 2094] 正在初始化v4l2core...
V4L2_CORE: Device Node Path: /dev/video0
V4L2_CORE: Device Node Path: /dev/video1
V4L2_CORE: V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_CAPTURE error: Success
V4L2_CORE: ignore the device(/dev/video1) for not have the ability to capture video.
V4L2_CORE: Device Node Path: /dev/video2
V4L2_CORE: Device Node Path: /dev/video3
V4L2_CORE: V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_CAPTURE error: Success
V4L2_CORE: ignore the device(/dev/video3) for not have the ability to capture video.
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.735 [Info] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::updateToolBarPos 2096] 初始化v4l2core已完成
2024-03-26, 10:41:33.739 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::updateToolBarPos 2105] 工具栏已初始化
2024-03-26, 10:41:34.729 [Debug] [subtoolwidget.cpp SubToolWidget::setMicroPhoneEnable 1414] mic 是否可选? true
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libavcodec.so.60.31.102: undefined symbol: avcodec_get_context_defaults3 Segmentation fault

Reply View the author
2024-03-26 11:08

ffmpeg 版本是多少呢

Reply View the author
West Chen
2024-03-26 11:12

ffmpeg 版本是多少呢


Reply View the author
2024-03-26 11:25
West Chen






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2024-03-26 11:30

意思是录屏不行,还是截图不行呀,或者是两者都不行?看着是 ffmpeg 那里有些问题,不过这个不会影响到截图才是,应该只影响录屏。

Reply View the author
West Chen
2024-03-26 11:54






chenwei@cw:/mnt/lp1/code/atlas$ apt list ffmpeg
Listing... Done
ffmpeg/unknown 7:6.1.1-2 amd64 [upgradable from: 7:6.0-5deepin1]
ffmpeg/unknown 7:6.1.1-2 i386

chenwei@cw:/mnt/lp1/code/atlas$ deepin-screen-recorder
isDeepin: true
isDDE: true
SystemName: "Deepin"
EditionName: "Community(Beta3)"
ProductTypeName: "Desktop"
SystemVersion: "23"
Is Table: false
Is Wayland: false
Is Root User: false
where is libs? where is QDir( "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" , nameFilters = { "" }, QDir::SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase ) , QDir::Filters( Dirs|Files|Drives|AllEntries ) )
Is libavcodec in there? there is : ("libavcodec.so.60", "libavcodec.so.60.31.102")
Is exists ffmpeg in PATH( "/home/chenwei/.config/nvm/versions/node/v14.21.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/snap/bin:/mnt/lp1/software/idea-IU-232.9559.62/plugins/maven/lib/maven3/bin:/mnt/lp1/software/scala/scala-2.12.17/bin:/mnt/lp1/software/gradle/gradle-7.6.2/bin" ): true
Is FFmpeg Environment: true
2024-03-26, 11:51:41.568 [Debug] [dguiapplicationhelper.cpp Dtk::Gui::DGuiApplicationHelper::loadTranslator 1630] load translate "/usr/share/qt5/translations/qt_en"
2024-03-26, 11:51:41.569 [Debug] [dguiapplicationhelper.cpp Dtk::Gui::DGuiApplicationHelper::loadTranslator 1630] load translate "/usr/share/qt5/translations/qtbase_en"
2024-03-26, 11:51:41.569 [Debug] [dguiapplicationhelper.cpp Dtk::Gui::DGuiApplicationHelper::loadTranslator 1630] load translate "/usr/share/deepin-screen-recorder/translations/deepin-screen-recorder_en_US"
2024-03-26, 11:51:41.569 [Info] [main.cpp main 169] Original Application Name is: "deepin-screen-recorder" . International Application Name is: "deepin-screen-recorder"
2024-03-26, 11:51:41.570 [Debug] [record_process.cpp RecordProcess::RecordProcess 50] 录屏控制类初始化!
2024-03-26, 11:51:41.575 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::initMainWindow 144] 屏幕: "eDP-1" 大小: QRect(0,0 1560x1040)
2024-03-26, 11:51:41.575 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::initMainWindow 167] 屏幕总大小: QSize(3120, 2080)
2024-03-26, 11:51:41.578 [Info] [ ] AppId is fetched from AM, and value is "deepin-terminal"
2024-03-26, 11:51:41.585 [Warning] [dguiapplicationhelper.cpp Dtk::Gui::DGuiApplicationHelperPrivate::onApplicationPaletteChanged 385] DGuiApplicationHelper: Don't use QGuiApplication::setPalette on DTK application.
2024-03-26, 11:51:41.585 [Debug] [main.cpp main 178] 截图录屏版本: "6.0.1"
2024-03-26, 11:51:41.587 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::initAttributes 196] 正在初始化应用相关属性...
2024-03-26, 11:51:41.602 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::initAttributes 204] initAttributes 204 screen size QRect(0,0 1560x1040)
2024-03-26, 11:51:41.692 [Debug] [utils.cpp Utils::isSysHighVersion1040 208] "Community(Beta3)" 3 System Version: "23" true ("23")
2024-03-26, 11:51:41.693 [Debug] [utils.cpp Utils::isSysHighVersion1040 208] "Community(Beta3)" 3 System Version: "23" true ("23")
2024-03-26, 11:51:41.694 [Debug] [utils.cpp Utils::isSysHighVersion1040 208] "Community(Beta3)" 3 System Version: "23" true ("23")
2024-03-26, 11:51:41.695 [Debug] [utils.cpp Utils::isSysHighVersion1040 208] "Community(Beta3)" 3 System Version: "23" true ("23")
2024-03-26, 11:51:41.698 [Debug] [utils.cpp Utils::isSysHighVersion1040 208] "Community(Beta3)" 3 System Version: "23" true ("23")
2024-03-26, 11:51:41.700 [Debug] [utils.cpp Utils::isSysHighVersion1040 208] "Community(Beta3)" 3 System Version: "23" true ("23")
2024-03-26, 11:51:41.702 [Debug] [utils.cpp Utils::isSysHighVersion1040 208] "Community(Beta3)" 3 System Version: "23" true ("23")
2024-03-26, 11:51:41.705 [Info] [zoomIndicator.cpp ZoomIndicator::ZoomIndicator 45] 多任务视图是否打开: 否
2024-03-26, 11:51:41.822 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::initBackground 1806] initBackground 1806 screen rect: QRect(0,0 3120x2080)
2024-03-26, 11:51:41.823 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::initShortcut 875] DGuiApplicationHelper::instance()->hasUserManual(): true
2024-03-26, 11:51:41.824 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::initAttributes 317] 发送鼠标事件!
2024-03-26, 11:51:41.826 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::initAttributes 322] 应用相关属性已初始化
2024-03-26, 11:51:41.857 [Warning] [ ] QXcbConnection: XCB error: 5 (BadAtom), sequence: 398, resource id: 0, major code: 20 (GetProperty), minor code: 0
2024-03-26, 11:51:45.665 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::updateToolBarPos 2078] 正在初始化工具栏...
2024-03-26, 11:51:45.665 [Debug] [subtoolwidget.cpp SubToolWidget::initRecordLabel 63] 正在初始化录屏工具栏UI...
2024-03-26, 11:51:45.947 [Debug] [subtoolwidget.cpp SubToolWidget::initRecordOption 171] 正在初始化录屏工具栏选项UI...
2024-03-26, 11:51:45.959 [Debug] [subtoolwidget.cpp SubToolWidget::initRecordOption 451] 默认是否录制鼠标?(0 不录制鼠标,及不录制鼠标点击,1 录制鼠标,2 录制鼠标点击,3 录制鼠标,及录制鼠标点击) 0
2024-03-26, 11:51:45.959 [Debug] [subtoolwidget.cpp SubToolWidget::initRecordOption 467] 录屏默认保存到 桌面
2024-03-26, 11:51:45.960 [Debug] [subtoolwidget.cpp SubToolWidget::initRecordOption 487] 录屏工具栏选项UI已初始化
2024-03-26, 11:51:45.960 [Debug] [subtoolwidget.cpp SubToolWidget::initRecordLabel 167] 录屏工具栏UI已初始化
2024-03-26, 11:51:45.960 [Debug] [subtoolwidget.cpp SubToolWidget::initShotLabel 492] 正在初始化截图工具栏UI...
2024-03-26, 11:51:45.974 [Debug] [subtoolwidget.cpp SubToolWidget::initShotOption 732] 正在初始化截图工具栏选项UI...
2024-03-26, 11:51:45.975 [Debug] [subtoolwidget.cpp SubToolWidget::initShotOption 762] 不存在指定路径
2024-03-26, 11:51:45.975 [Debug] [imagemenu.cpp ImageBorderHelper::ImageBorderHelper 331] ImageBorderHelper 331 QSize(1560, 1040)
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.175 [Debug] [subtoolwidget.cpp SubToolWidget::initShotOption 975] 截图工具栏选项UI已初始化
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.175 [Debug] [subtoolwidget.cpp SubToolWidget::initShotLabel 727] 截图工具栏UI已初始化
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.177 [Debug] [subtoolwidget.cpp SubToolWidget::setRecordLaunchMode 1329] setRecordLaunchMode 1329 1
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.180 [Info] [audioutils.cpp AudioUtils::initAudioDBusInterface 32] 音频服务初始化成功!音频服务: "org.deepin.dde.Audio1" 地址: "/org/deepin/dde/Audio1" 接口: "org.deepin.dde.Audio1"
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.183 [Info] [audioutils.cpp AudioUtils::initDefaultSourceDBusInterface 58] 默认音频输入源初始化成功!音频服务: "org.deepin.dde.Audio1" 默认输入源地址 "/org/deepin/dde/Audio1/Source5" 默认输入源接口: "org.deepin.dde.Audio1.Source"
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.185 [Info] [audioutils.cpp AudioUtils::initDefaultSinkDBusInterface 77] 默认音频输出源初始化成功!音频服务: "org.deepin.dde.Audio1" 默认输出源地址 "/org/deepin/dde/Audio1/Sink4" 默认输出源接口: "org.deepin.dde.Audio1.Sink"
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.187 [Debug] [subtoolwidget.cpp SubToolWidget::setMicroPhoneEnable 1414] mic 是否可选? false
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.191 [Info] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::updateToolBarPos 2091] 正在加载依赖库...
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.191 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 567] where is libs? where is QDir( "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" , nameFilters = { "
" }, QDir::SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase ) , QDir::Filters( Dirs|Files|Drives|AllEntries ) )
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.197 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 570] "libavcodec.so" Is it in there? there is ("libavcodec.so.60", "libavcodec.so.60.31.102")
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.197 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 567] where is libs? where is QDir( "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" , nameFilters = { "" }, QDir::SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase ) , QDir::Filters( Dirs|Files|Drives|AllEntries ) )
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.201 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 570] "libavformat.so" Is it in there? there is ("libavformat.so.60", "libavformat.so.60.16.100")
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.201 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 567] where is libs? where is QDir( "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" , nameFilters = { "
" }, QDir::SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase ) , QDir::Filters( Dirs|Files|Drives|AllEntries ) )
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.205 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 570] "libavutil.so" Is it in there? there is ("libavutil.so.58", "libavutil.so.58.29.100")
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.205 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 567] where is libs? where is QDir( "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" , nameFilters = { "" }, QDir::SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase ) , QDir::Filters( Dirs|Files|Drives|AllEntries ) )
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.209 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 570] "libudev.so" Is it in there? there is ("libudev.so.1", "libudev.so.1.7.7")
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.209 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 567] where is libs? where is QDir( "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" , nameFilters = { "
" }, QDir::SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase ) , QDir::Filters( Dirs|Files|Drives|AllEntries ) )
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.213 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 570] "libusb-1.0.so" Is it in there? there is ("libusb-1.0.so.0", "libusb-1.0.so.0.3.0")
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.213 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 567] where is libs? where is QDir( "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" , nameFilters = { "" }, QDir::SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase ) , QDir::Filters( Dirs|Files|Drives|AllEntries ) )
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.216 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 570] "libportaudio.so" Is it in there? there is ("libportaudio.so.2", "libportaudio.so.2.0.0")
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.217 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 567] where is libs? where is QDir( "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" , nameFilters = { "
" }, QDir::SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase ) , QDir::Filters( Dirs|Files|Drives|AllEntries ) )
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.220 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 570] "libv4l2.so" Is it in there? there is ("libv4l2.so.0", "libv4l2.so.0.0.0")
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.220 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 567] where is libs? where is QDir( "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" , nameFilters = { "" }, QDir::SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase ) , QDir::Filters( Dirs|Files|Drives|AllEntries ) )
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.224 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 570] "libffmpegthumbnailer.so" Is it in there? there is ("libffmpegthumbnailer.so.4", "libffmpegthumbnailer.so.4.15.1")
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.224 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 567] where is libs? where is QDir( "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" , nameFilters = { "
" }, QDir::SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase ) , QDir::Filters( Dirs|Files|Drives|AllEntries ) )
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.228 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 570] "libswscale.so" Is it in there? there is ("libswscale.so.7", "libswscale.so.7.5.100")
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.229 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 567] where is libs? where is QDir( "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" , nameFilters = { "*" }, QDir::SortFlags( Name | IgnoreCase ) , QDir::Filters( Dirs|Files|Drives|AllEntries ) )
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.233 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::libPath 570] "libswresample.so" Is it in there? there is ("libswresample.so.4", "libswresample.so.4.12.100")
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.234 [Info] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::updateToolBarPos 2093] 依赖库加载已完成
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.234 [Info] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::updateToolBarPos 2094] 正在初始化v4l2core...
V4L2_CORE: Device Node Path: /dev/video0
V4L2_CORE: Device Node Path: /dev/video1
V4L2_CORE: V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_CAPTURE error: Success
V4L2_CORE: ignore the device(/dev/video1) for not have the ability to capture video.
V4L2_CORE: Device Node Path: /dev/video2
V4L2_CORE: Device Node Path: /dev/video3
V4L2_CORE: V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_CAPTURE error: Success
V4L2_CORE: ignore the device(/dev/video3) for not have the ability to capture video.
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.239 [Info] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::updateToolBarPos 2096] 初始化v4l2core已完成
2024-03-26, 11:51:46.241 [Debug] [main_window.cpp MainWindow::updateToolBarPos 2105] 工具栏已初始化
2024-03-26, 11:51:47.229 [Debug] [subtoolwidget.cpp SubToolWidget::setMicroPhoneEnable 1414] mic 是否可选? true
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libavcodec.so.60.31.102: undefined symbol: avcodec_get_context_defaults3 Segmentation fault

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West Chen
2024-03-26 13:00

意思是录屏不行,还是截图不行呀,或者是两者都不行?看着是 ffmpeg 那里有些问题,不过这个不会影响到截图才是,应该只影响录屏。

是截图后就直接退出了, 比如正常情况像截图时,是选完截图后会停留,让你确认、取消还可以在图上画线等,但是现在大概是停了2s后就马上退出了,导致画不了线,或者来不及做其它的动作就退出截图了。


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West Chen
2024-03-28 23:37

已解决,是我通过mv 用户目录后再ln的方式不对,会破坏玲珑环境, 而是需要usermod,现已正常

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