[Seek Help] wine的时候一直卡在这里23b3
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2024-04-23 02:30


Name: com.tomatolist.berners
Description: "Wine application: com.tomatolist.berners"
Arch: win64
Maintainer: berners
  categories: Office
    - amd64
    - arm64
  wine_cmd: deepin-wine8-stable
  - action: install_exe
    file_name: TomatoLife.exe
    url: file:///home/fgg/.local/share/bottles/temp/TomatoLife.exe
  - defaultfont
  - safefont
  # - vcredist6sp6
  # - vcredist6
  #- vcredist2008
  # - dotnetcoredesktop3
  # - dotnet35
  # - vcredist2010
  # - vcredist2019
  # - vcredist2015
  # - gdiplus
  # - dotnet472
  # - winhttp
  # - mfc40
  # - mono


deepin-wine-bottles run '/home/fgg/Desktop/bottles-packagingapp-com.tomatolist.berners.yml' 


02:27:43 (WARNING) Could not get index for installers repository: (37, "Couldn't open file /opt/deepin-wine-builder/share/deepin-wine-builder/repo/programs/index.yml") 
02:27:44 (WARNING) Could not get index for installers repository 
02:27:44 (INFO) Catalog from file:///opt/deepin-wine-builder/share/deepin-wine-builder/repo/components/index.yml 
02:27:44 (INFO) Catalog components loaded 
02:27:44 (INFO) Catalog from file:///opt/deepin-wine-builder/share/deepin-wine-builder/repo/dependencies/index.yml 
02:27:44 (INFO) Catalog dependencies loaded 
02:27:44 (INFO) Using Wine Runtime tool -- send_status(-i) 
02:27:44 (WARNING) Bottles runtime was requested but not found 
02:27:44 (INFO) WINEPREFIX=/root/.deepinwine/com.tomatolist.berners WINEARCH=None 
02:27:44 (INFO) run deepin-wine8-stable wineboot -i /nogui 
Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

02:27:44 (INFO) No installers found! 
Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

wine version: 8.16
Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

wine version: 8.16
Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

02:27:46 (INFO) Using lnk file parser -- launch 
Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

02:27:46 (WARNING) Bottles runtime was requested but not found 
02:27:46 (INFO) WINEPREFIX=/root/.deepinwine/com.tomatolist.berners WINEARCH=None 
02:27:46 (INFO) run deepin-wine8-stable /opt/deepin-wine-builder/bin/lnk_parser.exe '/root/.deepinwine/com.tomatolist.berners/drive_c/users/root/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs/鐣寗路浜虹敓/鍗歌浇 鐣寗路浜虹敓.lnk' '/root/.deepinwine/com.tomatolist.berners/drive_c/users/root/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs/鐣寗路浜虹敓/鐣寗路浜虹敓.lnk' 
0148:err:environ:init_peb starting L"Z:\\opt\\deepin-wine-builder\\bin\\lnk_parser.exe" in experimental wow64 mode
lnk path: /root/.deepinwine/com.tomatolist.berners/drive_c/users/root/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs/鐣寗路浜虹敓/鍗歌浇 鐣寗路浜虹敓.lnk
lnk path: /root/.deepinwine/com.tomatolist.berners/drive_c/users/root/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs/鐣寗路浜虹敓/鐣寗路浜虹敓.lnk
02:27:47 (INFO) wine bottle arch: win64 
02:27:47 (INFO) Installing dependencies 
02:27:47 (INFO) Installing dependency [defaultfont] in bottle []. 
02:27:47 (INFO) get manifest from file:///opt/deepin-wine-builder/share/deepin-wine-builder/repo/dependencies/Fonts/defaultfont.yml 
02:27:47 (INFO) Importing 8 Key(s) to  registry 
02:27:47 (INFO) Using Wine Registry CLI -- bulk_add 
02:27:48 (WARNING) Bottles runtime was requested but not found 
02:27:48 (INFO) WINEPREFIX=/root/.deepinwine/com.tomatolist.berners WINEARCH=None 
02:27:48 (INFO) run deepin-wine8-stable reg import /root/.local/share/bottles/temp/bulk_1713810467_KKH63JF8.reg 
wine version: 8.16
004c:err:vulkan:get_vulkan_driver Wine was built without Vulkan support.
004c:err:vulkan:get_vulkan_driver Wine was built without Vulkan support.
0054:err:vulkan:get_vulkan_driver Wine was built without Vulkan support.
0054:err:vulkan:get_vulkan_driver Wine was built without Vulkan support.
004c:err:vulkan:get_vulkan_driver Wine was built without Vulkan support.
004c:err:vulkan:get_vulkan_driver Wine was built without Vulkan support.
004c:err:ole:StdMarshalImpl_MarshalInterface Failed to create ifstub, hr 0x80004002
004c:err:ole:CoMarshalInterface Failed to marshal the interface {6d5140c1-7436-11ce-8034-00aa006009fa}, hr 0x80004002
004c:err:ole:apartment_get_local_server_stream Failed: 0x80004002
004c:err:ole:start_rpcss Failed to open RpcSs service
0054:err:ole:StdMarshalImpl_MarshalInterface Failed to create ifstub, hr 0x80004002
0054:err:ole:CoMarshalInterface Failed to marshal the interface {6d5140c1-7436-11ce-8034-00aa006009fa}, hr 0x80004002
0054:err:ole:apartment_get_local_server_stream Failed: 0x80004002
wineserver: could not save registry branch to system.reg : No such file or directory
wineserver: could not save registry branch to userdef.reg : No such file or directory
wineserver: could not save registry branch to user.reg : No such file or directory
0090:err:setupapi:SetupDefaultQueueCallbackW copy error 1812 L"@C:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\wineusb.sys,-1" -> L"C:\\windows\\inf\\wineusb.inf"
00e0:err:environ:init_peb starting L"C:\\windows\\syswow64\\rundll32.exe" in experimental wow64 mode
00e8:err:environ:init_peb starting L"C:\\windows\\syswow64\\iexplore.exe" in experimental wow64 mode
wine: configuration in L"/root/.deepinwine/com.tomatolist.berners" has been updated.
02:27:59 (INFO)  
02:27:59 (INFO) Dependency installed: defaultfont in  
02:27:59 (INFO) Installing dependency [safefont] in bottle []. 
02:27:59 (INFO) get manifest from file:///opt/deepin-wine-builder/share/deepin-wine-builder/repo/dependencies/Fonts/safefont.yml 
02:27:59 (INFO) Adding Key: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\Fonts\whitelist] with Value: [鏂囨硥椹垮井绫抽粦 (TrueType)] and Data: [Z:\usr\share\fonts\truetype\wqy\wqy-microhei.ttc] in  registry 
02:28:00 (INFO) Using Wine debug tool -- get_processes 
02:28:01 (WARNING) Bottles runtime was requested but not found 
02:28:01 (INFO) WINEPREFIX=/root/.deepinwine/com.tomatolist.berners WINEARCH=None 
02:28:01 (INFO) run deepin-wine8-stable winedbg --command "info proc" 
02:28:01 (INFO) Using Wine Registry CLI -- add 
02:28:01 (WARNING) Bottles runtime was requested but not found 
02:28:01 (INFO) WINEPREFIX=/root/.deepinwine/com.tomatolist.berners WINEARCH=None 
02:28:01 (INFO) run deepin-wine8-stable reg add 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\Fonts\whitelist' /v '鏂囨硥椹垮井绫抽粦 (TrueType)' /t REG_SZ /d 'Z:\usr\share\fonts\truetype\wqy\wqy-microhei.ttc' /f 
02:28:02 (INFO) reg: 鎿嶄綔鎴愬姛瀹屾垚

02:28:02 (INFO) Adding Key: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\Fonts] with Value: [resetfonts] and Data: [1] in  registry 
02:28:03 (INFO) Using Wine debug tool -- get_processes 
02:28:03 (WARNING) Bottles runtime was requested but not found 
02:28:03 (INFO) WINEPREFIX=/root/.deepinwine/com.tomatolist.berners WINEARCH=None 
02:28:03 (INFO) run deepin-wine8-stable winedbg --command "info proc" 
02:28:04 (INFO) Using Wine Registry CLI -- add 
02:28:04 (WARNING) Bottles runtime was requested but not found 
02:28:04 (INFO) WINEPREFIX=/root/.deepinwine/com.tomatolist.berners WINEARCH=None 
02:28:04 (INFO) run deepin-wine8-stable reg add 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\Fonts' /v 'resetfonts' /t REG_DWORD /d '1' /f 
02:28:04 (INFO) reg: 鎿嶄綔鎴愬姛瀹屾垚

02:28:04 (INFO) Dependency installed: safefont in  
02:28:05 (INFO) Executing installer steps: [{'action': 'install_exe', 'file_name': 'TomatoLife.exe', 'url': 'file:///home/fgg/.local/share/bottles/temp/TomatoLife.exe'}] 
02:28:05 (INFO) /root/.local/share/bottles/temp/TomatoLife.exe already exists 
02:28:05 (INFO) Launching an executable鈥? 
02:28:05 (WARNING) Bottles runtime was requested but not found 
02:28:05 (INFO) WINEPREFIX=/root/.deepinwine/com.tomatolist.berners WINEARCH=None 
02:28:05 (INFO) run deepin-wine8-stable /root/.local/share/bottles/temp/TomatoLife.exe /verysilent /sp- /norestart /dir=c:/wineapp 
02:28:05 (WARNING) skip catch stdout, ShellExecuteEx error will be not be detech 
02:28:08 (INFO) Using List Running Processes -- launch 
02:28:08 (WARNING) Bottles runtime was requested but not found 
02:28:08 (INFO) WINEPREFIX=/root/.deepinwine/com.tomatolist.berners WINEARCH=None 
02:28:08 (INFO) run deepin-wine8-stable /opt/deepin-wine-builder/bin/list_procs.exe 
02:28:10 (INFO) Using List Running Processes -- launch 
02:28:10 (WARNING) Bottles runtime was requested but not found 
02:28:10 (INFO) WINEPREFIX=/root/.deepinwine/com.tomatolist.berners WINEARCH=None 
02:28:10 (INFO) run deepin-wine8-stable /opt/deepin-wine-builder/bin/list_procs.exe 
02:28:12 (INFO) Using List Running Processes -- launch 
02:28:12 (WARNING) Bottles runtime was requested but not found 
02:28:12 (INFO) WINEPREFIX=/root/.deepinwine/com.tomatolist.berners WINEARCH=None 
02:28:12 (INFO) run deepin-wine8-stable /opt/deepin-wine-builder/bin/list_procs.exe 
02:28:13 (INFO) Using Wine Runtime tool -- send_status(-k) 
02:28:13 (WARNING) Bottles runtime was requested but not found 
02:28:14 (INFO) WINEPREFIX=/root/.deepinwine/com.tomatolist.berners WINEARCH=None 
02:28:14 (INFO) run deepin-wine8-stable wineboot -k /nogui 
Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

02:28:15 (ERROR) Error while running async job: 
	Exception: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x99 in position 0: invalid start byte
  File "/opt/deepin-wine-builder/share/deepin-wine-builder/bottles/backend/utils/threading.py", line 59, in __target
    result = self.task_func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/opt/deepin-wine-builder/share/deepin-wine-builder/bottles/backend/wine/winedbg.py", line 201, in kill_all_if_setup_exit
  File "/opt/deepin-wine-builder/share/deepin-wine-builder/bottles/backend/wine/wineboot.py", line 50, in kill
  File "/opt/deepin-wine-builder/share/deepin-wine-builder/bottles/backend/wine/wineserver.py", line 90, in force_kill
    procs = ProcUtils.get_by_env(f"WINEPREFIX={bottle}")
  File "/opt/deepin-wine-builder/share/deepin-wine-builder/bottles/backend/utils/proc.py", line 67, in get_by_env
    return [proc for proc in _procs if env in proc.get_env()]
  File "/opt/deepin-wine-builder/share/deepin-wine-builder/bottles/backend/utils/proc.py", line 67, in 
    return [proc for proc in _procs if env in proc.get_env()]
  File "/opt/deepin-wine-builder/share/deepin-wine-builder/bottles/backend/utils/proc.py", line 37, in get_env
    return self.__get_data('environ')
  File "/opt/deepin-wine-builder/share/deepin-wine-builder/bottles/backend/utils/proc.py", line 29, in __get_data
    return f.read().decode('utf-8')


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2024-04-23 09:15



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2024-04-23 09:23




sudo 操作也是卡在这里

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