[Community News] deepin V23 RC release log
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Super Moderator
2024-05-15 17:25

Important Notice:

Please prioritize using the Control Center for system upgrades: Control Center - Updates - Check for Updates.

After this upgrade, the original Linglong applications will no longer be usable. Please use the pre-installed "linglong-repair-tool" to uninstall Linglong applications and automatically install deb format applications. For specific instructions, please refer to the link provided:https://bbs.deepin.org/en/post/272357

[New Features]


  • Optimized the details of the installer UI.
  • Updated the carousel images in the installer.
  • Added a trial mode for experiencing the system without installation.
  • Reverted pre-installed applications to deb versions.
  • Support for 14th generation U terminal devices.
  • Provided dual kernel options of 5.15 and 6.6.


  • Changed the window mode layout of the launcher to a three-section style and added quick access functionality.
  • Added a free sorting mode for the launcher window mode list, which sorts the application order in free sorting mode based on the order in full-screen mode.
  • In the launcher window mode's free sorting mode, added the ability to drag applications to create new application groups.
  • In the launcher window mode's free sorting mode, added support for modifying file group names.
  • In the launcher window mode's free sorting mode, supported dragging custom applications to change the order and move them to the top of the list.
  • In the launcher window mode's alphabetical sorting mode, added a letter index feature.
  • Optimized the display rules for letters in the launcher window mode's alphabetical sorting mode to only show letters for existing applications.
  • In the launcher window mode's category sorting, added index functionality for category index. Clicking on a category will enter the index menu.
  • Added a "Frequently Used Software" module to display commonly used applications based on user usage frequency.
  • Added a "Recently Installed" feature to display recently installed but unused applications in the recent installation area.
  • Optimized the keyboard interaction behavior in the launcher.
  • Enhanced the functionality and completion of Pinyin, English, and Chinese character searches in the launcher.
  • Optimized the keyboard interaction behavior in the launcher.


  • The taskbar has been refactored using QML.
  • Added a shortcut to the clipboard plugin in the left area of the taskbar.
  • Added a shortcut to global search in the left area of the taskbar.
  • Added a quick switch function for workspace views on the left side of the taskbar. You can quickly switch between workspaces using the workspace preview icons.
  • The entry for the multitasking view has been modified. You can now add and delete items in the multitasking view using shortcut keys.
  • The default display for workspace views is 2, with a maximum of 6 and a minimum of 1, where the taskbar will not display icons.
  • Users can hide the default content displayed in the lower left corner through the multitasking view and the Plugin Manager in Control Center-Personalization.
  • Removed the previous stylish and efficient modes.
  • Added the ability to adjust the application area's docking position in the right-click menu of the taskbar.
  • Added adaptive capability to the application activation indicator, where the style of the indicator dynamically changes with the size of the icon.
  • Updated the icon style of the quick panel plugin.

[File Manager]

  • Added the Ctrl+D shortcut to quickly delete files.
  • Added the Ctrl+Shift+N shortcut to quickly create file directories.


  • Added support for cloud synchronization of calendar schedules.
  • Added an option to start the week on the day set by the system.
  • Added an option to follow the system time settings.

[App Store]

  • Optimized the application description and new feature display on the application details page, with a default display of 5 lines.
  • Modified the application launch animation style.
  • Adapted to the deepin-service-manager plugin.


  • Added support for cloud synchronization of browser favorites, tabs, and other user data.


  • Optimized the application window interaction logic.
  • Added support for invoking and setting system settings through keyword descriptions (e.g., adjusting screen brightness to 100%).
  • Added support for generating images through text descriptions.

[Cross-device Collaboration]

  • Transformed the previous cross-device collaboration application into a standalone application.
  • Optimized the overall interaction experience on the deepin side.
  • Added support for mouse and keyboard sharing between devices.
  • Added support for clipboard sharing between devices.
  • Added support for file transfer between different terminals and devices.
  • Updated the Windows application version, download address: URL.


  • Updated the fcitx font package to solve the issue of users unable to input traditional Chinese characters (users can add the fifth-generation Cangjie input method).
  • Optimized the icon style for the "More" option in windows settings.
  • Optimized the waiting time for the system shutdown application blocking state, reducing the blocking waiting time from 90 seconds to 30 seconds.

【Bug Fixes】

  • Fixed the issue where the system had to wait for 90 seconds due to some application processes blocking during shutdown.
  • Fixed the ambiguity issue in the transparency adjustment text in Control Center-Personalization.
  • Fixed the issue where users couldn't log in again after logging out of deepin ID through Control Center.
  • Fixed the blurriness issue of the keyboard layout viewer in non-1.0 scaling scenarios.
  • Fixed the issue where the "grub-customizer" package couldn't be installed through the terminal command.
  • Fixed the issue where the "sudo apt install mariadb-server" command couldn't install properly.
  • Fixed the issue where the "sudo apt install mariadb-client" command couldn't install properly.
  • Fixed the issue where the "sudo apt install gcc-riscv64-linux-gnu" package couldn't be installed properly.
  • Fixed the issue where the "sudo apt install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi" package couldn't be installed properly.
  • Fixed the issue where some users couldn't enable hotspot functionality properly (updated network-manager to version 1.44).
  • Fixed the cursor style issue when clicking on the multitasking view with a zoom setting of 1.75 or above.
  • Fixed the issue where application interfaces were enlarged 3-4 times on 4K screens.
  • Fixed the issue where multiple lines of path were displayed when scaling the terminal window to the minimum size and the current path length exceeded the terminal width.
  • Fixed the issue where the buttons in the Fcitx 5 migration wizard tool were not internationalized in the Chinese environment.
  • Fixed the blurriness issue of the select-all checkbox in the Fcitx 5 migration wizard tool.
  • Fixed the issue where the shortcut keys for switching to the first input method configuration were lost after clicking the restart button on the input method icon in the taskbar.
  • Fixed the synchronization issue of the title bar right-click menu with screen scaling.
  • Fixed the issue where the font size of the title bar menu did not follow the system font size adjustment.
  • Fixed the issue where the taskbar was hidden (set to the task switcher list) when switching windows with the alt+tab shortcut.
  • Fixed the issue where the Control Center-System-Time Zone-Edit interface was displayed as a transparent interface.
  • Fixed the issue where the taskbar changed from rounded corners to square corners when reducing the taskbar height.
  • Fixed the issue where the magnifier state was not reset after restarting when the magnifier function was enabled.
  • Fixed the blurriness issue of the tooltip for the taskbar application icon names.
  • Fixed the issue where rounded windows in the system tray area had white transparent borders in dark mode.
  • Fixed the display issue of the qq interface when scaling was set to 2.25 on a 4K screen.
  • Fixed the issue where the checkmark icon in the right-click menu was oversized.
  • Fixed the flickering issue in Control Center when switching submenus in the power menu after disabling window closing effects.
  • Fixed the styling issue of the menu button and delete button in the music application in dark mode.
  • Fixed the excessive distance between the page-turning button on the launcher and the taskbar when the taskbar was on top.
  • Fixed the issue where the launcher did not cover the entire screen in full-screen mode.
  • Fixed the issue where deleting a workspace window in multitasking view caused lagging and prevented successful deletion during screen recording.
  • Fixed the transparency issue of the pop-up interface when clicking on the quick panel in the taskbar.
  • Fixed the issue where "Nutstore" could not be installed properly.
  • Fixed the issue where multiple wired connections were added to the network list when plugging in the Ethernet cable on a laptop.
  • Fixed the issue where Deepin Home Daemon icons appeared on the desktop for new administrator or standard user logins.
  • Fixed git security vulnerability to improve system security


  • Fixed the issue where the terminal's "God of Thunder" mode was initially obscured by the dock.
  • Fixed the issue where the terminal's autocomplete feature was malfunctioning.
  • Fixed the issue where the terminal theme affected the system theme.


  • Fixed the installation failure issue when installing the camera through terminal command.


  • Fixed the issue where clicking on a notification to view new emails did not display the email details properly.

【App Store】

  • Fixed the issue where swiping down with four fingers on the touchpad in the multitasking view did not return to the desktop.
  • Fixed the issue where windows would automatically move to the center of the screen and resize when restored from minimized state.
  • Fixed the issue where the bottom blur effect of the left sidebar was lost when maximizing windows.
  • Fixed the client crash issue when continuously switching sorting conditions on the app tag list page in the app details.
  • Fixed the client freeze issue when clicking on "App Updates" while uninstalling an app.

【Known Issues to be Fixed】

  • Occasionally, the mouse dragging to adjust the taskbar height and size does not take effect when the launcher is invoked.
  • Unable to drag apps to the taskbar from the launcher.
  • The original personalization settings in the right-click menu of the taskbar are not supported (displayed as grayed out).
  • The options in the taskbar app layout, position, and status menus are deselected and not displayed after being clicked again.
  • Copying files to the desktop causes two file manager icons to appear on the taskbar.
  • When the taskbar is set to always hide, the animation does not appear as designed when the mouse is invoked.
  • Taskbar crashes when right-clicking on the system monitor plugin icon.
  • Taskbar crashes when right-clicking on the system monitor plugin icon in dual-screen extended mode.
  • In dual-screen extended mode, with the taskbar set to always hide, the taskbar can only be invoked by placing the mouse on the secondary screen.
  • In dual-screen extended mode, when the taskbar position is set to only display on the main screen, it does not follow the switch to the main screen after switching.
  • When set to follow the mouse position, the taskbar does not follow when the mouse is moved to the other screen.
  • When opening the file manager from the launcher sidebar, the taskbar displays an abnormal icon.
  • No animation effect when dragging icons in full-screen mode.
  • Some app icons may appear as small black squares.
  • After uninstalling the screenshot and screen recording app, the "Scree...pture" remains in the taskbar quick panel with no response when clicked.
  • In window mode, scrolling through the name and category lists does not immediately follow the first letter scrolling up.
  • The cinema app crashes when opening AV1-decoded MP4 videos.
  • After switching themes or icon themes, there may be lag and reloading of the applications on the taskbar.
  • .deb packages downloaded from the web prompt "Can only install local .deb packages" when opened from the browser for installation.
  • DDF-format images created in the drawing board cannot be opened.

The correct way to join the internal test:

①Upgrade the system to deepin V23 Beta2;

②Open the internal test channel: [Control Center] > [Update] > [Update Settings] > [Internal Test Channel] to open the option;

③ Follow the guidelines to complete the opening of the internal test channel;


How to report bugs or submit suggestions?

  • First of all, please make sure that the system version is upgraded to the latest beta version to avoid problems caused by inconsistent versions;
  • Secondly, if you find any bugs or have any good ideas, please give your feedback on deepin Home . deepin Home is a default app of deepin OS, and you can update or download it through deepin App Store.
  • deepin Home.png

Join the beta group:

Anyone who intends to participate in the internal test, please scan the code to contact the administrator, note: participate in the internal test (if the reply is not timely, please wait a moment)

Welcome to join the internal test group and interact with us. Thanks to every member of the internal test team for their active participation!


Many thanks to all the members of the internal testing team for your active participation!

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