[Community Announcements] deepin V23 RC Update Changelog on Jun 28, 2024
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Super Moderator
2024-06-28 16:54

To ensure the quality of the deepin V23, we invite you to take part in the internal test. If you are interested in it, please follow the guide in the last part of this post.

If you find any bugs or have any good ideas, please submit them on deepin home app which can be downloaded from deepin App Store.


Update instructions on Jun 28, 2024

[New Features]


  • Updated kernel from version 6.6.25 to 6.6.35


  • Added Ctrl+mouse click to move cursor functionality, which can be configured in Advanced Settings - Cursor

Drawing Board

  • Added support for Apple AVIF file format

[Bug Fixes]


  • Fixed abnormal window border issue in windowed mode
  • Fixed icon display issue within application groups in full-screen mode
  • Fixed inability to select application icons using the Tab key after dragging icons to create a new page in full-screen mode
  • Fixed issue where content within application groups exceeding one page could not be scrolled using the mouse wheel or touchpad
  • Fixed background in full-screen launcher not changing with desktop background across multiple desktops
  • Fixed issue where the UOS AI plugin icon displayed as a black dot in the Control Center
  • Fixed abnormal preview window issue when applications are open
  • Fixed inability to launch the browser when enabling the beta channel in the Control Center
  • Fixed issue where the launcher did not automatically exit after switching from full-screen mode to windowed mode and clicking on the desktop
  • Fixed issue where the Linglong browser continuously prompted "Sandbox mode is off"
  • Fixed issue where org.dde.calendar automatically uninstalled during normal Linglong usage


  • Fixed overlapping of server name and buttons
  • Fixed residual empty entries in settings when window effects are disabled
  • Fixed incorrect theme menu selection state when clicking on a custom theme without confirming the save

File Manager

  • Fixed issue where files deleted from NTFS partitions did not move to the recycle bin
  • Fixed issue where files could not be deleted using the Delete key, showing a progress bar stuck at 1% after retrying
  • Fixed File Manager crash when deleting newly created folders on external disks or USB drives using the delete shortcut key
  • Fixed incorrect file path opening when using commands to open the File Manager
  • Fixed issue where a horizontal line appeared in the sidebar after double-clicking the Wallpapers folder under "Pictures" in the main interface
  • Fixed abnormal copy speed progress when copying a 1M file using a USB drive
  • Fixed focus frame issue where the focus shifted to "Computer" when renaming disk partitions
  • Fixed issue where a hidden USB drive UUID would reappear in the sidebar after replugging the device
  • Fixed issue where corresponding disk partition names did not appear in the partition properties pop-up
  • Fixed inability to directly double-click to access Samba servers
  • Fixed slow performance in counting folders and files when copying from an SMB server to local, with wait times exceeding 30 seconds
  • Fixed touch screen issue where the menu items from long-pressing on the desktop could not be used

Drawing Board

  • Fixed issue where images converted to DDF format could not be opened

System Monitor

  • Fixed issue where the same Linglong application appeared as multiple processes in the System Monitor
  • Fixed missing main process for Linglong Edge browser in the System Monitor
  • Fixed issue where closing a self-developed application left a blank list item in the System Monitor
  • Fixed issue where the System Monitor plugin did not appear in the Control Center after the first login on a newly installed system
  • Fixed lag issues when opening the System Monitor in the taskbar plugin area on high-resolution screens
  • Fixed issue where disk write speed units reached EB/s after stopping a download in Firefox

The correct way to join the internal test:

①Upgrade the system to deepin V23 Beta2;

②Open the internal test channel: [Control Center] > [Update] > [Update Settings] > [Internal Test Channel] to open the option;

③ Follow the guidelines to complete the opening of the internal test channel;


How to report bugs or submit suggestions?

  • First of all, please make sure that the system version is upgraded to the latest beta version to avoid problems caused by inconsistent versions;
  • Secondly, if you find any bugs or have any good ideas, please give your feedback on deepin Home . deepin Home is a default app of deepin OS, and you can update or download it through deepin App Store.
  • deepin Home.png

Join the beta group:

Anyone who intends to participate in the internal test, please scan the code to contact the administrator, note: participate in the internal test (if the reply is not timely, please wait a moment)

Welcome to join the internal test group and interact with us. Thanks to every member of the internal test team for their active participation!


Many thanks to all the members of the internal testing team for your active participation!

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