[problem help] Error messge
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a***[email protected]
2024-08-21 23:40
I just downloaded Deepin 23 and launched a live session. Worked perfect. The peoblem is when I tried to install it, I got this error message:
CommonFunc::sync 1203] "command: sync succees."
2024-08-21 15:35:52.715 [error] [ProgressFrame.cpp ProgressFream : exitInstall 138] exit install."
"/user/share/deepin-installer.exec/tools/hooks/before_chroot/02_parted.manager.job hooks run error."
I guess it has something to do with the target partition I choose.
Error message
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2024-08-27 03:41

Thank you for your feedback.

Make sure you're installing in UEFI mode. Legacy (AKA "BIOS" or "CSM") mode shouldn't be used in this day and age. BIOS mode must be used for BIOS based PCs (~2012 or older).

(Optional but strongly recommended) Use GPT partitioning for the target drive(s).

If you intend to create your own partitions make sure to have an ESP (EFI System Partition) formatted as FAT32. Size can vary, larger (~500MB) is recommended when dual- or multi-booting (all bootloaders are saved in that same partition), ~300MB is still more than enough (for reference, Windows creates a 100MB ESP by default). Also a swappartition and the / (root or system) partition (~50GB minimum for peace of mind if using a separated /home parttion and/or others; otherwise as much as available in the drive).

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r***[email protected]
2024-08-28 22:08
It has been deleted!
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