[Others] Google Chrome webapps grouped incorrectly in the dock V23
Product Feedback 755 views · 1 replies ·
2024-10-29 10:03
[System Version]: deepin V23
[Privius conditions]: Deepin 23 and Google Chrome installed with Flatpak
[Reproducibility steps]: Open a web page and install it as an application (Menu → Send, save and share → Install page as application), this creates a shortcut in the application menu and opens the page in a separate window.
[Expected results]: The dock should show an icon for each installed page opened, as Deepin 20 dock did and Plank dock does.
[Current results]: All open webapps are grouped in the Google Chrome icon.
I also tried with Google Chrome installed with .deb and it also groups the icons wrong in the dock.
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2024-10-29 10:03
Thank you for the feedback. I will submit a requirement