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2012-01-01 18:26
  1. aptitude show deepin-desktop
  2. 软件包: deepin-desktop         
  3. 新: 是
  4. 状态: 已安装
  5. 自动安装: 否
  6. 版本号: 11.12-45
  7. 优先级: 可选
  8. 未压缩尺寸: 8,192
  9. 依赖于: deepin-gnome-core (= 11.12-45), libavcodec-extra-53, libdvdcss2,
  10.            libdvdnav4, libdvdread4, w64codecs, gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad,
  11.            gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly, libcddb2, libimlib2, libmad0, libzip1,
  12.            alacarte, brasero, brasero-cdrkit, cdparanoia, chmsee,
  13.            computer-janitor-gtk, deadbeef, empathy, nautilus-sendto-empathy,
  14.            telepathy-butterfly, telepathy-gabble, telepathy-haze,
  15.            telepathy-salut, eog, evince, file-roller, gedit, gnome-media,
  16.            gnome-mplayer, gnome-online-accounts, gnome-power-manager,
  17.            gnome-tweak-tool, iptux, libreoffice-calc, libreoffice-impress,
  18.            libreoffice-writer, nautilus-gksu, nautilus-open-terminal,
  19.            nautilus-share, nautilus-wallpaper, notify-osd, notify-osd-icons,
  20.            remmina, remmina-plugin-rdp, remmina-plugin-vnc, shotwell,
  21.            thunderbird, thunderbird-gnome-support, uget, usb-creator-gtk,
  22.            deepin-artwork, deepin-default-settings, deepin-firefox-addons,
  23.            deepin-software-center, deepin-tools, deepin-scrot, gnome-mahjongg,
  24.            gnomine, quadrapassel, add-apt-key, aptitude, gnome-alsamixer,
  25.            appmenu-gtk, appmenu-gtk3, arj, avahi-utils, bamfdaemon,
  26.            bash-completion, bc, binfmt-support, bsdmainutils, cli-common,
  27.            colord, command-not-found, dialog, dnsmasq-base, dosfstools, exiv2,
  28.            ftp, lftp, gdebi, groff-base, icc-profiles-free, localepurge, lsof,
  29.            manpages, media-player-info, mlocate, nano, netpbm, p7zip,
  30.            p7zip-full, p7zip-rar, policykit-desktop-privileges, poppler-data,
  31.            poppler-utils, pppoe, preload, pulseaudio, pulseaudio-esound-compat,
  32.            pulseaudio-module-bluetooth, pulseaudio-module-gconf,
  33.            pulseaudio-module-x11, pulseaudio-module-zeroconf, rsync, samba,
  34.            samba-client, ssh, telnet, tree, unrar, unrar-free, unzip, vim-tiny,
  35.            wget, wireless-tools, wodim, wpasupplicant, xdg-user-dirs,
  36.            xdg-user-dirs-gtk, xdg-utils, xkb-data, xml-core, xul-ext-ubufox,
  37.            zip, zoo, zsync, xfsprogs, acpi-support, alsa-base, alsa-utils,
  38.            b43-fwcutter, bcmwl-kernel-source, blueman, cups-driver-gutenprint,
  39.            firmware-b43-installer, hwdata, jockey-gtk,
  40.            mobile-broadband-provider-info, modemmanager, mousetweaks, ndisgtk,
  41.            ntfs-config, toshset, usb-modeswitch, nvidia-common, radeontool,
  42.            lightdm, grub-pc, linux-headers-generic, linux-image-generic,
  43.            python-configobj, xorg, libflashplugin, plymouth-theme-deepin-logo,
  44.            plymouth-theme-deepin-text, indicator-session, base-files (=
  45.            6.5~deepin2), [b]wine1.3[/b], python-gobject-cairo
  46. 推荐: deepin-desktop-zh-hans | deepin-desktop-zh-hant | deepin-desktop-en,
  47.         simple-scan, sane-utils, libsane-hpaio, cups-bsd, cups-pdf, foo2zjs,
  48.         foomatic-db-compressed-ppds, foomatic-db-engine, foomatic-filters,
  49.         hpijs, hplip, min12xxw, openprinting-ppds, pnm2ppa, pxljr,
  50.         python-cupshelpers, splix, system-config-printer-common,
  51.         system-config-printer-gnome, system-config-printer-udev
  52. 冲突: deepin-desktop
  53. 描述: The Deepin desktop system common
  54. This package depends on all of the packages in the Deepin desktop system
  55. It is also used to help ensure proper upgrades, so it is recommended that it
  56. not be removed.
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