The messages in the Recoll GUI are managed by the normal Qt internationalization mechanism. Each set of messages for a given non-english language is stored in a separate translation source file. (example: , ).recoll_fr.ts``recoll_de.ts
The files can be managed by using the Qt linguist program, which is easy to use by anybody (no need to be a programmer). You can also use the very nice Web service instead. Please contact me to get an access to the Recoll messages on
Most of the translations for the current release are usually incomplete, and many languages are missing.
The source translation files are included in the source release, and they are also stored on the Web site for easy access. recoll_xx.ts is a blank Recoll 1.32 message file, appropriate to work on a new translation. You can also list the directory to see all the translation files for updating one of them (the files are the same as those in the maintenance source branch on
If your language is not supported yet, or if the translation has some english messages left and you want to take a shot at fixing the problem, you can send the results to me and earn my gratefulness (and your less multilingual compatriot’s)…
If you wish to test the result of your work on the file, you need to run the lrelease command to produce a binary file. The file should then be copied to before restarting Recoll..ts``.qm``.qm``/usr/[local/]share/recoll/translations
现在给大家 安利一个 开源 “全局文本、文件搜索”
RecollGUI 可搜索文本内容哦!!
还可以直接在软件里预览“prebiew” 文件哦!
最后说说我的愿望,当然是能够加快商城版本更新 ,和 deepin 能帮助其汉化起来。。。。。
deepin 威武!!!!!!!!