Bluetooth problem...
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2015-05-07 01:44
How do I make my Deepin PC visible to my phone via Bluetooth?

Deepin detects and is "connected" to my phone, but my phone cannot detect Deepin - so I cannot send pics from my phome to the Deepin PC.  There is an option on nearly all Bluetooth software to make the PC visible, even if only briefly, to the device it has to 'pair' with - but this seems to be absent in Deepin!  Is this correct?

To get around this, I tried installing 'Blueman', but both Deepin-software-center and Synaptic package manager refuse to install it - Synaptic complaining about broken packages (even though there aren't any!) and DSC simply going nothing (no error message) and installing nothing.

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2016-12-03 11:15
sudo apt-get install blueman
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2016-12-16 17:27
How about the Bluetooth mouse? Are anyone had my kind of problem with Bluetooth mouse?
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2016-12-16 17:50
I had problems with Bluetooth mouse connection, if deepin goes to sleep state and active again my mouse got unresponsive or if I used over an hour or so, the connection becomes crumbled or tear apart, how to solve this kind of issue?
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2017-01-12 08:47
no connects fine auto detect.
2017-01-08 14:41
Yo lo resolví así:

sudo apt install blueman
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2017-04-15 23:27
I can't use my Bluetooth device when I'm playing the game with the PPSSPP application.How can I fix it?
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2015-05-13 01:28

I still haven't figured out how to make my Bluetooth-enabled PC visible to my mobile phone.

As mentioned above, clicking on the name of my phone (as found by Deepin) results in a "Connected" message being displayed, although a second later, a "Disconnected" message is then displayed.  The main problem appears to be that there is no way of making Deepin visible to the phone, therefore no way of pairing the two.

What am I missing?
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2017-01-12 08:43
Is there any icon for blue tooth. guide please
2015-05-13 05:24

I still haven't figured out how to make my Bluetooth-enabled PC visible to my mobile phone.

Try this;

We can nicely control our Bluetooth device with the command line tool hciconfig.

To enable visibility:

sudo hciconfig hciX piscan
To disable visibility:

sudo hciconfig hciX noscan
Replace hciX with your device (usually hci0)

To query your Bluetooth device(s):

sudo hciconfig -a
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2015-05-13 08:40
Edited by omelette at 2015-5-13 00:45

Thank you for that information.  Unfortunately it does not work on my Deepin setup.  After issuing "sudo hciconfig hci0 piscan" from the terminal, my mobile still cannot detect the Deepin bluetooth.  And yes, 'hci0' is the correct device.  I tried the same 'hciconfig' commands on another PC that has Ubuntu installed and the mobile phone can detect it no problem.  Also, there is no firewall active that might complicate things.

I think Deepin's Bluetooth implementation as it stands is not even usable.  Not so much a criticism as an observation, as I'm sure the developers will eventually get it working properly.  As it stands, that Bluetooth icon in the DDE is pretty much useless as it includes no configuration options that would allow pairing of Deepin-bluetooth with other devices - from the DDE anyway! - but I do realise that it should be possible to set up Bluetooth via the hciconfig command.  Unfortunately, that does not work for me either.
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2015-05-14 02:46
Have a look if there is a soft block;

sudo rfkill list all

If there is a soft block on bluetooth;

sudo rfkill unblock all
sudo rfkill unblock bluetooth
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2015-05-16 08:01
Hi.  Thank you for the info.  Unfortunately, Bluetooth lists all devices as unblocked, so still no detection of Deepin-Bluetooth from the mobile device.

The Bluetooth device being used with Deepin is a USB external dongle, so I was able to check it on the other computer running Ubuntu (Lucid) - it works perfectly, so the problem is definitely confined to Deepin or its Bluetooth setup.

What is really frustrating with Deepin is that there seems to be no way of either configuring (changing the device-name excepted) or sending files via Bluetooth from the Deepin desktop environment itself, which has me wondering what is the point in including Bluetooth in the Control Center in the first place!

All this 'dumbing-down' of features reeks of Gnome 3 development.
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2015-06-16 00:02
I can pair my phone but that is all. Can't send files either way. Bluetooth in Deepin is at this stage is probably for pairing headphones, keyboards and mice - but I don't know this for sure. I look forward to the developers fixing this bluetooth problem as bluetooth is almost essential these days.
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2015-08-27 14:16
Edited by omelette at 2015-8-27 06:18

Sorry, missed your post.  Thanks for the info, at least I know now that it's not just my setup that has a problem.  Yeah, bluetooth is essential I think also.  It's sad to see that bluetooth works fine with my ancient Ubuntu 10.04 install, but doesn't work at all with the supposedly-up-to-date Deepin.
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2016-09-29 23:10
alternate way is using the blueman packages, third party software readily available on github, it is more efficient than any command line software.
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