Posts today: 78 Posts yesterday: 455 All: 1310749
Community Discussion 【】 don't have mobile broadband on deepin 2014 final :)
Community Discussion 【】 hibernate on critical low battery
Community Discussion 【】 DEEPIN x64 2014 samsung RV513 - good work!
Community Discussion 【】 How to change the icon set?
Community Discussion 【】 Can I change the order of the icons?
Community Discussion 【】 Software Center not working
Community Discussion 【】 Freezes on start-up
Community Discussion 【】 Not Enough Memory To Boot From Disk
Community Discussion 【】 2014.1 Desktop Undresponsive
Community Discussion 【】 Boot problem
Community Discussion 【】 Deepin Linux 2014.2 e le tastiere retroilluminate
Community Discussion 【】 Deepin Linux 2014.1 su macchina virtuale (Virtual Machine)
Community Discussion 【】 Deepin Linux Italia su Facebook e Google+
Community Discussion 【】 Guida ufficiale Deepin Linux Italia
Community Discussion 【】 help software won't update
Community Discussion 【】 Please remove CCSM from Deepin Store
Community Discussion 【】 Finalmente anche il subforum dedicato all' italia.
Community Discussion 【】 Is there a possibility of getting rid of the deepin panel?
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