2016-12-08 16:42 https://bbs.deepin.org/post/132842
How about using vim?
If you use Vim to edit the sources list instead of the terminal it's ok but you have to do the step 3 and 4 in the terminal.
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As you know the mirrors that Deepin provides us are poor frecuency signal of downloading and I'm going to show you how I fixed this problem.
I recommend you to use this mirror but you can try with a lot of mirros and choose the best that works with your location. The one that I gave you is fully tasted and so far hasn't given me problems. Ok lets start.
1. Open the terminal as a root user, copy and paste the next command
It will appear something like that
2. Erase everything then copy all including the hashtags and paste the next text in the console.
3. Now you're going to type the next commands to lock lists, dpkg and cache archives.
And by doing all of this the problem have to be solved. You can check that now is downloading faster by going to Deepin Store and Download a program or App and you will see that it is going more faster
Here is a link with a lot of mirrors that you can try.