2017-01-04 11:01 deepin
Hi. This info was taken from another forum, but it might be worth a try. "just had to run this in windows as an administrator : bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi Grub appears fine on boot and I can boot into Ubuntu and Win10 fine." Replace "ubuntu' with Apricity. This command is for people who can only boot into Windows 10 after installing Linux to dual boot with W10. Use at your own risk, as is said. Command was found on Ubuntu forum. This worked some people, not all. Good luck. *** In your case, replace ubuntu with" Deepin" in the command. Good luck.
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last time everythig was ok, but when i started my laptop today morning, i didn't see GRUB and Windows booted automatically. I've checked the Boot menu and there were only four options: Windows Bootloader, ubuntu (which is a dead end, since there's no Ubuntu installed), EFI USB Device and EFI CD/DVD-ROM. Deepin wasn't anywhere on that list. So I booted itno Windows, quickly „burnt” Super GRUB2 Disk to a pendrive and rebooted. In the external GRUB i could see Deepin and was able to start it, so I've quickly reinstalled ALL THE GRUB PACKAGES and rebooted. There's still NO boot menu entry for Deepin at all. Here's a list of the contents of /boot:
What happened and how can i fix this?