Slow Download Speeds No Matter the Mirror
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2017-03-20 23:00
My connection allows me to download 2mb per a second but no matter what mirror I have selected it always downloads at about 40kbs a second. When I went to sources.list i saw that the only source listed is the chinese mirror and that would explain my slow download speed. However, when I tried to change it to another mirror nothing would download at all (getting errors). I would like to know how to change this manually as chaning my mirror via the options does absolutly nothing.

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2017-03-20 23:15
Which version are you using? 15.3 or 15.4?
and can you record your screen by Deepin Screen Recorder and paste the recorded file here?
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2017-03-21 00:47
15.4 and what do you want me to record? Me toggling the mirrors?
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2017-03-21 00:59
15.4 and what do you want me to record? Me toggling the mirrors?

Yes the progress you switching the mirrors, and paste error info here
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2017-03-21 01:53
There is no reason for a video. I first tried it the conventional way of going to settings, updates, the cogwheel, switch mirrors. Upon switching i found download speeds did not change on the deepin store nor apt-get. So i went to spurces.list and tried other mirror htmls and ftps and afterwards the store and apt-get failed to download. I just want to know hot to proparly change the mirrors manually as it sounds like I am doing it wrong.
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2017-03-21 01:54
How to properly change the mirrors*
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2017-03-21 02:02
If you cannot access another mirror, maybe you should change back to the official one.
BTW you could help us create a mirror near you to solve your problem.
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2017-03-21 02:20
I have changed back to the official one in the mean time. But how do I fix the issue first? I live close to one already and there is no reason i shouldnt be able to acesses it. I would also rather have acesses to one in england or france than the chinese mirror im being forced to use (I live in the US and have tried all the mirrors in europe, canada and US). I just want to know how to manually change mirrors in the files.
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2017-03-21 02:58
Nvm I fixed the issue. You just have to restart the computer after changing the mirrors in sources.list and then try installing things a few times (you get failure the first few times you try, but if you give it a few minutes it will work from there after).
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