Dual Screen and audio on deepin.
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2017-07-23 00:51
Hi guys,

First of all, thanks to deepin team: this is a really nice and beautifull linux desktop. I'm new to Deepin: I use to have Ubuntu on both work and home computer, but someone make me discover deepin and...

I first install deepin on my work's computer, all was good (expect that it's laptop who has nvida optimus graphic card, which is a pain in a ass to configure with linux...).

After that, I decide to install it on my Home computer... and now, i'm begin to be crazy.
To be clear, I have a configuration with a Nvidia 770 Graphic card.
This graphic card have the principal monitor in Display Port.
The HDMI output is going to the audio 5.1 hifi, which is something going to videoprojector. So here is the problem.
When the videoprojector is on, I can configure the dual screen proprely. I can make the configuration using the videoprojector screen, because dock is on this screen.
But when the videoprojector is off and disconnected, I can't do that: the screen is no the 5.1 HiFi audi, which as no display screen of course. And the dock is on it, so I can't configure the dual screen.
I can open a terminal, open nvidia-setting in my main screen (Display Port's one), and made the change, but after reboot, changed are lost...

So there is my question: is there a way to make the change persistant ? Or, is there a way to have the dock on all screen ? Or, is there a way to display dde-control-center on a window or a specific screen? Or, is there another way to do it? ...

And last final question: how can we configure a 5.1 audio in deepin ? :-)

Thanks to read all of this, hope you understant me and sorry for english mistake, I'm a french native speaker...

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2017-07-24 19:03
Well, I think you need to tell us what version of Deepin you are using? 15.4 or 15.4.1?
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2017-07-24 23:13
Hi, Thanks for the answer.
I'm using 15.4.1
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2017-07-25 00:48
Hi, Thanks for the answer.
I'm using 15.4.1

Then it's time you submit your feedback to Deepin.
  1. http://feedback.deepin.org/feedback?language=en_US
Copy the Code

to submit the log files generated by 'sudo deepin-feedback-cli', and don't forget to tell the developers that you are using proprietary nVidia Drivers. Beware in mind that the feedback process can be long...............
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2017-07-26 01:19
Ok, I'm going to do this !
Thanks for the help !
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