2017-09-13 00:44 deepin
Thanks for your feedback and suggestion.
1. It is very annoying if the hot corner pop up quickly by mistakenly click, so we add the animation you need to stamp it
2. 3.4.recorded
5.6. What do you mean Audio palyer? Deepin Music? And sorry i did not catch the sixth suggestion.
1. It is very annoying if the hot corner pop up quickly by mistakenly click, so we add the animation you need to stamp it
2. 3.4.recorded
5.6. What do you mean Audio palyer? Deepin Music? And sorry i did not catch the sixth suggestion.
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Hey guys. My first post, but with many ideas and improvements to the deepin Desktop. I do not want to extend myself much so I'll just put some topics to the developers.
1 - Improved speed of corner options.
2 - Launcher: does not close when running other applications that contain in the dock, the interesting thing is to close when clicking on any app in the dock.
3 - Launcher would also be better if it were smaller in reduced mode.
4 - Possibility to hide icons in efficient way, near the clock, so it gets cleaner and smaller.
5 - Audio players should be more worked up and should have a feature for selecting system folder folders and not just synchronizing.
6 - The same thing for the video player, which I think cool if they were all built-in. (Ala Amarok).