Hide open app from dock
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2017-09-28 14:01
Edited by lean032 at 2017-9-28 06:16

Hi guys, I`m trying to find a way to hide (from dock, in Fashion Mode)) an application that is already opened. Any ideas on how to do it?

Thanks a lot

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2017-09-28 16:17
Are you wanting to hide an application that is already opened? I don't think this is possible.
Think with me, when u use an app, it'll appear in the dock. The dock is kind of a taskbar(Windows), and the app will appear on the dock, showing that is opened.
When you hide an application, it won't appear on the dock, unless you are using it.

If it's possible, I don't know how to do it. But, for me, doesn't make sense.


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2017-09-28 20:01
Thanks for your response Romao. I agree what you are saying, but in this particular case I need the app to be in background. In fact I think that there may be involved lots of apps in background when you start an OS. Maybe Deepin can`t achieve this natively, maybe yes, or maybe there`s a 3rd party app to make it possible.

Any ideas?

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2017-09-29 04:53
Let me think....
I know that with compiz, it's possible. You can try to install compiz and configure the window preferences, like in this post: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2000537
Note that you can desestabilize your system by using compiz, so, be careful!

But, you can try to use another dock in deepin. You can disable the deepin dock and install another dock, like the one that Elementary OS has. The Elementary dock lets you to hide an running application.

Disable Deepin Dock: https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-deepin-101/how-to-disable-deepin-dock-4175516823/
Hide an opened application from the Elementary Dock: http://www.fosslinux.com/488/how-to-hide-opened-application-icons-in-the-plank-of-elementary-os.htm

But, if you don't want to only show the window of the application you are running, you can drag it to another desktop, in the multitasking view.

I don't think deepin has this function yet. You can feedback them, asking for this.
And sorry, I'm just a newbie in this world.

Hope it helps,
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2017-09-29 06:30
Deepin has this function.
Click the orange button with a square and a line left and right from it.
Then it will open a view with all the windows and other desktops.
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2017-09-29 07:03
I know deepin has this function. I didn't make it clear on my answer, when I said that deepin doesn't have this function, I was talking about the hiding the running app from the dock.
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2017-09-29 19:21
Thanks for your response Romao. I agree what you are saying, but in this particular case I need the  ...

"In fact I think that there may be involved lots of apps in background when you start an OS"
You can set the applications you want to run when startup by right click and then choose "add to starup" in launch page .
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2017-10-04 21:32
"In fact I think that there may be involved lots of apps in background when you start an OS"
You c ...

Thanks for your reply melodyzou! I just did that, but what Iḿ trying to do is to "HIDE FROM DOCK AN APPLICATION THAT IS ALREADY RUNNING"

For example in Mac OS you can just right click on the icon at the dock and choose Hide... and thatś it. But here in deepin, I'm not finding a solution to it =(
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