Deepin 15.5 Beta ... stuck on boot ...
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m***[email protected]
2017-11-12 03:27

I just upgraded to Deepin 15.5 Beta yesterday ... today all of a sudden i am unable to boot into my deepin OS the boot screen is stuck at the following entry ...
started IIO sensor proxy service
need help to login to my Deepin OS ...

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m***[email protected]
2017-11-12 03:42
tried a few times but it wouldn't go past the line ...

  1. started IIO sensor proxy service
Copy the Code

booted into Ubuntu and created this help thread ... and i rebooted to probe the issue further ... without any explanation system boots into the Deepin OS ... and i am writing this post from inside deepin OS ...
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2017-11-12 05:13
I also experiencing some problem. I can't open up settings & file manager. when I tried sudo update & upgrade, it says dde-settings and file-manager are kept back. why they did this, I also didn't signed for beta tester why I get the beta channel?
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m***[email protected]
2017-11-21 04:56
Now this is really very annoying ... if not for the habit of putting my system in standby for days on end ... i would have had pulled my hair off ... facing this annoying issue.

I have tried to be patient but this is driving me crazy ... the boot wouldn't proceed beyond this point ...

  1. [  OK  ]  Started IIO Sensor Proxy service.
Copy the Code

I have left my system in this state for more than 2 hrs now ... it just wouldn't proceed beyond this point.

the only activity besides being stuck here is hitting 'Esc' or some keyboard key which will display boot splash but hit escape and you are still there ...  and the only activity that will respond is 'Ctrl+Alt+Del' ... which will restart the machine.

Multiple attempts to reboot would luckily get past this and let me log in ... but its really annoying to rely on luck alone !!!


Guys really appreciate somebody responded here ...


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2017-11-21 22:41
tried a few times but it wouldn't go past the line ...

Does the issue still exist or not?
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2017-11-21 22:44
I also experiencing some problem. I can't open up settings & file manager. when I tried sudo update  ...

settings & file manager can not be opened issue have been resolved and we will bring the fix in the 15.5 final. deepin 15.5 beta you have received is an open test. Everyone can update to this version/or get new iso for this version.
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2017-11-21 22:46
I also experiencing some problem. I can't open up settings & file manager. when I tried sudo update  ...

Anyway, you can try execute command to fix the issue
  1. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  && sudo apt-get install --reinstall dde
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2017-11-21 23:49
nothing useful from above information
add systemd.log_level=debug to boot parameters and paste the picture where it hangs

sysrq should work, alt+sysrq+l then paste the screenshot
alt+sysrq+t, then paste the screenshot
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2017-11-23 02:42
Hi , I had the same problem . I resolve it by entering recovery mode then choosing clean then reboot it and enter my session normaly you can try this option
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m***[email protected]
2017-12-09 02:19
Does the issue still exist or not?

sorry missed out on your post ...

Yup not a boot goes by when i have to face this issue ... i just faced it when i rebooted after trying to follow steps trying to fix my audio device automatic swtich

My life is only livable bcos i have the habit of putting my system on standby for days ... i boot it only for updates or troubleshooting as per github issue fixing or probing.

If you tell me how to record my system log from the time i reboot until i succesfully boot, i will do that and post you the logs.

99.9% of the time i am stuck at ...

[ OK ] Started IIO Sensor Proxy Service

it does not boot beyond that ... that's the last line where i am stuck.

currently i suffer doing the following ...

I have relatively most success when i reboot into my Ubuntu install and restart from there, it didn't work today though.

then i try to shutdown and switch ON ... works sometime ... but didn't work today.

then i try to hit 'e' at the grub and add ... 'foo' 'bar' at the end of the vmlinuz line and hit F10 ... didn't work today.

then i try to hit 'c' at the grub and run the following.

linux (hd0,gpt4)/boot/vmlinuz...13.... root=/dev/sda4 foo bar
initrd (hd0,gpt4)/boot/initrd .... 13 ....

works sometime ... but didn't work today though...

fed up i restarted and just plain and lucky i booted into the OS.

earlier i would get booted to 'emergency mode' before the 'IIO sensor line' ... but off late the emergency mode is not encountered.

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m***[email protected]
2017-12-09 02:21
Edited by aiamuzz at 2017-12-8 18:46
nothing useful from above information
add systemd.log_level=debug to boot parameters and paste the p ...


i don't know how to do that ...

a step by step instruction and i'll post the screenshot and output logs if any ...
I added
  1. systemd.log_level=debug
Copy the Code
to file
  1. /etc/default/grub
Copy the Code
and ran
  1. update-grub
Copy the Code

Then i ran the following command ...
  1. echo "1" > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq
Copy the Code

3. How do i invoke ...
  1. alt+sysrq+l
Copy the Code
my laptop has Insert button with 'printscreen' ...

do i have to use Alt+Insert+l ???
do i have to use Alt+Func+PrintScreen+l ???

when do i have to press this key combination ?

when i am stuck or after grub launches the OS boot ?
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m***[email protected]
2017-12-09 03:06
i booted and i was stuck here ... attached screenshot

this was my orginal issue before the 'IIO sensor issue' ... the 'emergency mode' and stuck at ...
  1. bbswitch: No discrete VGA device found
Copy the Code
I then hit the key combination ...
  1. Alt+Func+PrintScreen+l
Copy the Code
i hit it 3 times ... no progress ... then i hit
  1. Ctrl+Alt+Del
Copy the Code
and the system booted into the OS subsequently ...
... I am no removing the debug boot parameter and going into a reboot to see if things will be any different ... will post the result on successfully booting up.

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m***[email protected]
2017-12-09 03:56
now that it has rebooted into the OS, does that mean that whatever problem i was facing earlier is fixed
has it just been bypassed as a result of the Alt+Printscreen(Sysrq)+l  ?

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m***[email protected]
2017-12-09 09:18
Edited by aiamuzz at 2017-12-9 12:22

i have been testing by rebooting my system(out of 3 reboots and one boot after shutdown) 3 reboots resulted booting into emergency mode ... i had to key in my password and either reboot with 'systemctl reboot' or hit 'Ctrl+Alt+Del' and reboot and it would boot into the OS.

The one boot(after shutdown) surprisingly booted on first attempt.

Seems its not fixed fully ... its inconsistent ... its been going into emergency mode on reboot.
enclosed log files ...
journalctl -xb-EmergencyMode-Dec8-b.log              -           is a log collected after running 'journalctl -xb' after logging into 'emergency mode'
syslog-1EmergencyMode2success-Dec8-b.log        -           is the syslog file from '/var/log/syslog' where it booted into the OS after running 'systemctl reboot'                                                                                                       from inside 'emergency mode

straightBoot4rmShutdown.log                                  -           is the syslog file when it booted clean into the OS after shutdown without any issues
                                                                                                     (an Ideal boot case).

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m***[email protected]
2017-12-11 22:30
Edited by aiamuzz at 2017-12-11 16:04

this is really annoying ... after more than 15 attempts to boot into the OS ... i was only able to successfully boot into it only 3 times !!!
need someone to really help identify and rectify this nagging issue.

1st round of testing today ...
boot 1 : start system ... last boot message ' [OK] Started IIO sensor Proxy Service' ...
hit Ctrl+Alt+Del ...
boot 2 : rebooting ... last boot message ' [OK] Started IIO sensor Proxy Service' ...
hit Ctrl+Alt+Del ...
boot 3 : rebooting ... last boot message ' sulogin: tcsetattr failed: Input/output error'' ...
boot using 'Alt+sysrq key+B' to boot ...
boot 4 : rebooting ... last boot message ' sulogin: tcsetattr failed: Input/output error'' ...
hit Ctrl+Alt+Del ...
boot 5 : rebooting ... System succefully booted into the OS

2nd round of testing today ...
boot 1 : start system ... boot to 'emergency mode' ... login into the emergency mode ... run command 'sudo journalctl -xb > /home/muz/Desktop/sys_ej_log' ... last boot message 'bbswitch:No discrete VGA device found'
hit Ctrl+Alt+Del ...
boot 2 : luckily boot into the OS successfully.

added boot parameter ... "systemd.log_level=debug" ... to ... /boot/.../grub.cfg ... file

3rd round of testing today ...
boot 1 : start system ... last boot message ' [OK] Started IIO sensor Proxy Service' ...
hit Ctrl+Alt+Del ...
boot 2 : rebooting ... last boot message ' [OK] Started IIO sensor Proxy Service' ...
hit Ctrl+Alt+Del ...
boot 3 : rebooting ... last boot message ' [OK] Started IIO sensor Proxy Service' ...
hit Ctrl+Alt+Del ...
boot 4 : rebooting ... last boot message ' [OK] Started IIO sensor Proxy Service' ...
hit Ctrl+Alt+Del ...
boot 5 : rebooting ... last boot message ' [OK] Started IIO sensor Proxy Service' ...
hit Ctrl+Alt+Del ... and shutdown the system manually holding power key.
boot 6 : Switch ON system ... boot into my Ubuntu Install succesfully ... reboot from there ... rebooting ... last boot message 'bbswitch:No discrete VGA device found'
hit Ctrl+Alt+Del ...
boot 7 : rebooting ... last boot message 'bbswitch:No discrete VGA device found'
hit Ctrl+Alt+Del ...
boot 8 : remove boot parameter 'systemd.log_level=debug' and add 'foo bar' instead ... F10 ... booting ... last boot message 'bbswitch:No discrete VGA device found'
hit Ctrl+Alt+Del ...
boot 9 : luckily boot into the OS successfully.

as you can see above i have tested 3 times and out of 16 boot attempts i was able to boot only 3 times successfully into the Deepin OS ... I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEM LOGGING INTO MY UBUNTU BOOT ... LOGS IN 100% OF THE TIMES.

Please find enclosed logs from my 2nd round of testing ...
2nd Testing

Please find some pics of the boot messages occured in the above testings in no specific order ...

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2017-12-11 22:47
download the new system and then reinstall the system ,i think this is the best way to solve it ,more easy.
if you have some information on your computer,trying to enter the recovery mode.
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m***[email protected]
2017-12-12 00:12
Edited by aiamuzz at 2017-12-11 16:23
download the new system and then reinstall the system ,i think this is the best way to solve it ,mor ...

I am sorry ... but my system is my work system ... can't afford to do the re-install ... my work environment is all set and going.

I would like to have it fixed with Deepin Support ...

I am ready to provide any info/test required to identify the issue ... if you want my ubuntu boot logs which boots 100% ... i can provide that if support wants to compare its logs against deepin boot logs ...

PS : Re-install is an option for people who are using their systems for non-serious and casual usage. Its never an option for serious users who have their work environment up and running on their systems.

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m***[email protected]
2017-12-15 05:21
#17 ...

Guys ... I really need help here to identify the issue ...
I rebooted after system updates from control center ... i just left it there for a couple of hours ... and this is what i saw ...

some more screen freezes ... if it helps ...

today ... may be out of 8-10 attempts to boot ... i was able to successfully boot only twice !!!

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m***[email protected]
2017-12-19 05:13
Edited by aiamuzz at 2017-12-18 21:14

@melodyzou ...

could such a problem be caused by a battery/charger not up to the specifications ???
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