Deepin 15.5 Beta Black Blank Screen
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2017-11-26 23:27
Edited by lamasg at 2017-11-26 15:30

So, I have been using Deepin and its amzing.

Yesterday, while testing on a QT project, I copied a file custom file (or something) into /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu folder and the file manager crashed. So I restarted the PC just to enter the Black/Blank Screen.

All the other options in Deepin Advanced Options (during bootup) also shows me Black Screen. I am locked out.

Nvidia GT-730
Intel i3 6100 (3.7GHz)
MSI Motherboard
Two Storage devices (SSD and HDD)

Root file system on SSD and others on HDD, filesystem shown below
/ - SSD
/usr/local - HDD
/var - HDD
/opt - HDD

I tried to get into recovery mode and this is what I got
Cannot open access to console, the root account is locked.

How can I get my display back?

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2017-11-27 00:11
Have you checked those?
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2017-11-27 00:37
Thanks for the links. However, as a non sophisticated user, I am not sure how can I get back my desktop environment back since its all black right now.

I was able to login one of the boot menu options but only in command line mode. I took all the backup from this mode atleast.

I do not know where to go from here. I do not know where the problem is. Any lead in this matter is helpful.
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2017-11-27 00:39
...... Is there a time machine like feature that can help me get into the working state?
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2017-11-27 00:59
...... Is there a time machine like feature that can help me get into the working state?

The fist thing i would suggest for this problem and for future problems, is to create/have a livecd/liveusb.
I have a small usb flash drive, with lubuntu installed on it and whenever there is a problem i boot from there and check my system.
Try to make one, and boot from there. Enter the terminal and list all your disks:
  1. lsblk
Copy the Code

Check and fix any errors on the filesystems:
  1. sudo e2fsck -f -y /dev/sdXX
Copy the Code

where XX are the partions you have, e.g sudo e2fsck -f -y /dev/sda1 ,if thats your / partition.
See what the output is. Try to boot then Deepin.

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2017-11-27 01:14
Thanks. Also let me dig into journalctl and see what went wrong.
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2017-11-27 01:19
Thanks. Also let me dig into journalctl and see what went wrong.

Yes, of course.
Access your logs, and see what is happening during the boot.
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2017-11-27 02:17
The problem is that you replaced a Qt file.
Qt is needed by all Deepin applications which can't work anymore.
You have to reinstall Qt to make it working again.
sudo apt-get install --reinstall qt5-base
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2017-11-27 08:59
If none of the above work, don't worry, just reinstall the OS and it most likely won't happen again. Also if possible you could try to access the update area to see if the need for updating caused it (you might not be able to with a black screen). I had a different problem whereas the dock would not appear, I tried everything but then I found out my system needed to update then after I updated Deepin it fixed. So my guess is that the black screen is either caused by updates or it's caused by that custom QT file that you copied over.
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2017-11-27 19:44
Update: As I suspected and as user nipos said, copying qt file into the wrong place may be the cause of the problem . journalctl was overwhelming and I was not able to trace the root problem with it.

So I ended up reinstalling the OS (much simpler this way, as Deepin installer is a breeze I must say). I am contemplating a permanent backup restore tool to deal with such situation for the future. However its a little trickier as WHAT EXACTLY to backup from '/' root. For now, I am backing up everything except certain directories, using restic.
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