Increase the speed of the video card cooler [overclock]
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2017-12-09 00:01
Alguem ai sabe como fazer Overclock no cooler da placa de video no deepin ? Na minha configuração da nvidia x server não tem a opção para controlar a velocidade do cooler, só para visualizar a % que ta a velocidade, no caso como todos os padrões é 50%. Quero aumentar, alguem sabe como ? no windows tinha aquele MSI Afterbouner que eu gostava muito.

Does anyone know how to overclock the video card cooler in the deepin? In my configuration of nvidia x server does not have the option to control the speed of the cooler, only to visualize the% that is the speed, in case like all the standards is 50%. I want to increase, does anyone know how? on windows there was that MSI Afterbouner that I liked a lot.

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2017-12-09 04:26
I published a post about fan control before
To enable more Nvidia configuration options, ones that came enabled in Windows if you download an app like Afterburner, Precision, Cam, etc. They come disabled (security reasons) by default, you can enable them by adding Option "Coolbits" "(number)" in the Nvidia config document.
1 - Enables overclocking of older (pre-Fermi) cores on the Clock Frequencies page in nvidia-settings.
2 - When this bit is set, the driver will "attempt to initialize SLI when using GPUs with different amounts of video memory".
4 - Enables manual configuration of GPU fan speed on the Thermal Monitor page in nvidia-settings.
8 - Enables overclocking on the PowerMizer page in nvidia-settings. Available since version 337.12 for the Fermi architecture and newer.
16 - Enables overvoltage using nvidia-settings CLI options. Available since version 346.16 for the Fermi architecture and newer.

For example, you want to enable overclock and fan control, so put Option "Coolbits" "12", change the value with the sum of all things you want to put.
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2017-12-09 17:15
Eu já tentei isso mano, não funcionou, parece que no meu não fica no X11 o arquivo de documentação do nvidia.
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2017-12-10 00:52
Do you use propietary drivers? (If you use open source Nouveau drivers, or Bumblebee ones, the things I said won't work). Sometimes config file is on another part of X11 directory, be sure to enter there and check the config file (obviously with root privileges, and a restart is needed after the config change, you need to enable fan control at Nvidia's control panel every restart, the Fan control app too of course).
If you want to evade all those things and have your card BIOS modified (at your own risk, but its useful if you run several systems and if you want to get rid of any config app) you can download a "BIOS tweaker", with which you can change the factory settings of your card, and enable overclock by default, a fan curve, overvoltage, etc. If you take this last option, be sure to save the original BIOS archive for security reasons (can be made with Cpu-Z on Windows) and search for the correct BIOS tweaker for your card architecture (I don't know if you use 1000 series, 900, 700 or whatever).
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2017-12-18 05:59
Ainda não consegui encontrar o arquivo da configuração. No meu sistema, não exite arquivo com o nome 20-nvidia-config , existe algum outro nome que o arquivo de configuração pode ter? Ajude-me

I still did not manage to find the archive of configuration. In my system,  There is not any archive with the name 20-nvidia-config , exist any other name that the configuration file may have ? Help me
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2017-12-18 06:05
Are you on a laptop? If it is the case then you need to change to bumblebee drivers (as too much things from propietary won't work, you have an hybrid card system, not a classic one). Can you tell me your pc specs?
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2017-12-18 06:18
Edição:                 15.5 Desktop
Tipo:                     64Bit
Processador:       Intel Celeron CPU G1610 2.6Ghz x 2
Memoria Ram:    3.83 GB
Placa de video:    nvidia Geforce 9500gt, esta com um driver alternativo, versão: 340.101.
Mas voce pode mexer no meu computador pelo Remote Assistent ou Team Viewer.
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2017-12-20 08:40
Edição:                 15.5 Desktop
Tipo:                     64Bit
Processador:       Intel Cele ...

Repplied to your inbox, ask me there.
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2018-01-05 11:51
Edited by snowcley at 2018-1-5 03:55

Pessoal eu consegui de certa forma usar o Option "Coolbits" "number", para os que não acharam o arquivo 20-nvidia-config no diretorio que o Oscararg passou ali em cima, pode estar no /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nvidia.conf, lembrando, não pode ser colocado abaixo da linha que esta escrito EndSection, coloque a linha do Option "Coolbits" "numero" em uma linha antes da linha EndSection.

Personally I could somehow use the Option "Coolbits" "number", for those who did not find the file 20-nvidia-config in the directory that Oscararg went up there, may be in /etc/X11/xorg.conf .d / 20-nvidia.conf , remembering, can not be placed below the line that is written EndSection , place the line of Option "Coolbits" "number" on a line before the EndSection line .
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