2017-12-22 17:34 deepin
you can search app from deepin appstore
or join tg group https://bbs.deepin.org/forum.php?gid=69 or https://t.me/deepinchannel
or https://github.com/linuxdeepin
or join tg group https://bbs.deepin.org/forum.php?gid=69 or https://t.me/deepinchannel
or https://github.com/linuxdeepin
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This is my first experience with an OS other than windows. I'm having a rough time searching and installin programs (google earth, utorrent, etc) in my deepin 15.5. I can't even find the directories where the programs are stored. I've aleady looked out on the internet for guides that could help, but I got nothing.
Could you help me with that? Any reading material, guides, articles, youtube videos that you may think that could help me, feel free to send!
Best regards!