Deepin File Manager (Deepin en Español) community suggestions
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2018-01-13 16:16
Edited by realact at 2018-1-13 09:27

This is a list of feature suggestions and requests collected from the opinion of 800 users:

* Thumbnails of idtag audio files as in Nautilus; Nemo and Dolphyn.

* Improve the ability to manage file properties since it is very basic.  

* Add a dark theme, we've waited for you a long time.

* Template folder is used in Linux to save documents with extensions, so that they then appear in the menu (New document) this stopped working a couple of versions ago and it also does not show a custom icon  Please repair this.

* Personalization of the icon is not allowed if a shortcut is created, also if a launcher is created it is not added to the app menu.

* When you rename a folder or a file on a desktop with a point it remains visible, again some basic rules of the GNU / Linux file managers are not respected.

* Deepin files can not execute some executable extensions like the .appimage and others.

* In its latest versions it has lost the ability to mount the images.iso and show them as units.

All these are basic features present in any GNU/Linux file manager. The absence of them causes unproductivity and discomfort among users thus seeking to install an alternative or leave the distro.

With all this being said I only wish to thank you. congratulations to deepin for the progress of the system.

Note: these are not my own ideas or post, it has been composed by team lead members and users of the Deepin Spanish community as stated at the beginning of this post.  

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2018-01-13 18:42
#1 海外的朋友正式提意见了~~速来
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9***[email protected]
2018-01-13 21:40

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2018-01-13 22:09
It's easy to add the theme, as long as you add a black theme on the topic bar. The modification of the icon may cause the application not to be started. It is OK to develop an icon editor to add. The deepin system technician is needed to extend the plug-in. It is not recommended to modify icons. It's no problem to add a topic.
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2018-01-13 22:21
I think these two black tabletop are pretty good
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2018-01-13 23:11
thanks , we got it !
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2018-01-17 18:11
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2018-01-17 18:52
In its latest versions it has lost the ability to mount the images.iso and show them as units.

---------compress file preview function have same problems  No default opened.
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2018-01-17 19:40
I would not leave deepin because of the absence of those options but if they would be grateful they would be very helpful, I would like a dark theme in the file manager, I am one of those who use the computer for hours or during the night and a dark subject he is not so aggressive with his sight
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2018-01-18 00:07
Edited by carlose at 2018-1-17 22:27

I agree, deepin files has those weak points among others and the truth is that the file manager has to be the star application of the distro;
It must not fail in basic operations and must have options that boost productivity. Deepin Files needs many improvements in its next versions.

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2018-01-18 06:37
Please ... Dark mode I consider it very important. Many people from different communities are waiting for you. I know that the deepin file manager still has its flaws, but setting the dark mode would be a breakthrough.  
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2018-01-18 08:10
Edited by carlose at 2018-1-18 00:16
When you rename a folder or a file on a desktop with a point it remains visible, again some basic ru ...

It means that it is something that always existed in the GNU desktops that is ruled out that works and well.One expects something as simple as drag and drop functions in any operating system. But in deepin sometimes when you do this, the desktop  momentarily disappears
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2018-01-18 08:56
Después de trabajar con diversos gestores de archivos de linux nautilus como ejemplo, el gestor de archivos de Deepin siempre me ha parecido muy parco en opciones y configuración lo que limita mucho sus posibilidades de trabajo. Un menú mas completo de opciones,  poder gestionar de otro modo el trabajo con archivos, mas estilo nautilus y poder adaptar la estética del mismo al tema usado fundamental. Corrección de errores que arrastra sus primeras versiones etc  queda muco por hacer para que se convierta en el mejor gestor de archivos de linux.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        En ingles para que no se molesten en traducirme:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                In English so they do not bother to translate:

After working with various file managers of linux nautilus as an example, the file manager of Deepin has always seemed very sparing in options and configuration which greatly limits their work possibilities. A more complete menu of options, to be able to manage in another way the work with files, more nautilus style and to be able to adapt the aesthetics of the same to the fundamental used theme. Correction of errors that drag their first versions etc remains muco to do so that it becomes the best file manager of linux.
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2018-01-18 08:58
Edited by alvarosamudio at 2018-1-17 11:59

something that would be appreciated is the management of user, group and administrator permissions in the same dde-file manager something as Nautilus allows
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2018-01-18 10:47
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2018-01-18 17:38
In its latest versions it has lost the ability to mount the images.iso and show them as units.

--- ... 看来有必要在造轮子前 先读读其他各家的相应轮子的特性说明文档咯
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2018-01-19 08:37
Edited by josemarcos at 2018-1-19 00:48

Chinês tradicional



I miss Deepin's file manager icon to create new folders. To create new folders currently, we have to click with the right side of the mouse, when we could have an icon next to the settings button. Another factor I miss is when it comes to clicking photos. It would be nice if the details of the photos already appeared automatically without having to also click with the right side of the mouse.

Português Brasil

Sinto falta de um ícone no gerenciador de arquivos da Deepin para criar uma nova pasta. Atualmente para criar uma nova pasta, temos que clicar no lado direito do mouse, quando poderíamos ter um ícone ao lado do botão Configurações. Outro fator que percebi foi quando se trata em clicar nas fotos. Os detalhes da foto poderiam aparecer automaticamente sem ter que clicar também com o botão direito do mouse.

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2018-01-19 17:57
Edited by carlose at 2018-1-18 00:16

I am ok  in 1.6.2 version
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