Can´t add Shortcuts to the Desktop
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2018-01-19 04:23
Hi i have a big Problem i wanna send my Programms from Start menu to the Desktop so i make a right click on the Start menu Entry and click send to desktop but nothing happen on my Desktop no shortcut from the Startmenu entry what can i do now it is a fresh installation from the Desktop Deepin.
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2018-01-19 13:33
just copy the entry file to ~/Desktop. After that run deepin-feedback to tell depin what happened
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2018-01-20 10:37
The same problem happens for me,too and there's an very simple solution.
The shortcut doesn't appear at the desktop but in my home folder.
Open the file manager,go to your home folder and move the shortcut to the desktop folder.
Now it should work.
That happens only on my Arch Linux computer with Deepin Desktop Environment 15.5
On my laptop with Deepin OS 15.5 it works correctly.
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t.******[email protected]
2018-01-20 13:46
Edited by amplif1er at 2018-1-20 05:48
The same problem happens for me,too and there's an very simple solution.
The shortcut doesn't appear ...

in Arch, it's easy to fix without manually moving shortcuts from home folder to desktop:

sudo pacman -Sy xdg-user-dirs (and reboot)
I've never experienced this problem in Deepin OS, only in Deepin DE on Arch, so I don't know how to fix it in Deepin OS.
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